Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blackthorne--Scene 51

image from


Cinemagenic Fifty-One


“Breathe next to me--and I will capture a piece
of your soul along with mine.”--Marikit Camba.

1(sound cue) more snare drum over horses nickering.
2(overhead crane shot) The stallion raced around the corral trap
as the three mares made a fuss & pulled against their ropes. The
Appaloosa bucked, jumped, kicked out his hind legs & then raised
up on them, wild-eyed punching at the dusty air.
3(medium wide shot) Buck & Johnny Eagle standing quietly behind
the pole gate.
4(tighter wide shot) the stallion calmed down finally, & stood regally
alongside his pinto bride.
5(close-up) the Appaloosa’s eyes calming, but his nostrils still
flaring, as the Indian’s scent seemed to defuse his anxiety.
6(sound cue) piano & harmonica.
7(medium close-up) Johnny’s face, aglow with excitement.
--God’s heuvos, that is one damn fine horse!
8(two-shot) angle on Buck--Hey, brother, it worked. Chatawa is ours.
9(two-shot) the stallion whickered, bobbing his head, the muscles bulging
in his leopard neck. The pinto mare only had eyes for him, but she did
glance sideways at the men.
10(tight two-shot) angle on the Eagle, over Buck’s shoulder:
--No, he is all yours, jumping right out of the clouds for you, folding
back his wings, mist still steaming off his spotted rump. You know
he has great medicine & a warrior’s heart, & one day soon he will
be pleased to carry your big bones. It is my honor to help break him.
11(sound cue) slide guitar blues lick over castanets.
12(medium two-shot) angle on Buck--Well, he’s not mine yet; only
the arroyo wind has been his rider. I will have to earn my claim on him.
13(tighter two-shot) angle on Johnny--With his spirited tonatas at stud,
you will build the finest rancho in the territory. He will sire magnificent
colts. Bronson will shit himself with raw envy.
14(medium wide-shot) Johnny slipped under the bottom pole & stood up,
his yellow hair lariat slack in his right hand.
15(tight two-shot) angle on Johnny’s face--You see his split ear? You are
a lucky hombre, boss--he’s been Nez Pierce trained. Appaloosas like him
have already been tamed & ridden, but never broken. This one has let
loose of his fear. He is just waiting to meet his new Master.
16(sound cue) harmonica, clarinet, & Indian branch flute.
17(close-up) Buck’s huge smile.
18(medium wide-shot) the stallion stepped out in front of his
staked mares, stamping his right front hoof--but there was no
sign of anger in him.
19(overhead crane shot) the three mares strained to bunch up 
as Chatawa & the Eagle squared off.
20(cut to medium two-shot) as Johnny began to walk slowly
toward the stallion--Sure, I know, hellfire stud, these are your
women. We will not hurt them. They will stay with you as your
companions. We will not hurt you either. No, no--we will give
you love. Do you remember love, Chatawa?
The stallion held the Indian’s scent in his nostrils, & upon hearing
his Indian name, he began to quiet down again.
21( medium close-up) angle on the Eagle over the stud’s shoulder:
--Yes, I am talking to you, brave boy with the ass like thunderclouds,
do you remember love. gentle hands, the smell of bison?
22(sound cue) coronet over pounding buffalo hooves.
23(medium two-shot) Johnny’s voice as narration--There is a buffalo
right there; you & he will be grande partners. You two prairie giants
have seen plenty of those big humps crashing to earth, huh?
24(angle on the Eagle) continuing to move slowly toward the stallion,
his rope now looped--Chatawa, do you see this rope?
25(close-up) he tossed the loop onto the ground near the stud’s hooves.
The great horse flinched, but stood his ground.
--That’s right, just an old rope, not a snake, harmless. It smells of horses,
mesquite, buffalo crap, sweat, & me. Johnny gathered up the rope, &
took a step closer.
26(sound cue) Indian seed rattle & kettle drum.
27(two-shot) in slow motion; the dappled stud lunged at him, but Johnny
was ready, quickly side-stepping & flicking the wide lariat loop over 
Chatawa’s head, then swing-wrapping it around a breaking stake, all in
a cicada click. The horse stopped, & stood tall.
28(medium close up) Johnny: You see, you are not hurt.
The Indian bent down & ripped out a handful of sweet bunch grass, &
tossed in near the stallion. Chatawa immediately began to munch the
treat. Johnny unwrapped the yellow rope & dropped it in the red dust.
29(medium two-shot) Johnny leaning against the inside of the poles,
& Buck with his ams folded over the top one.
--It grows late, boss. Let’s unstake his ladies & let them all calm down
over night. We will continue in the morning. I tell you, he has such
great spirit; I’ve never seen greater.
--Buck: And he knows love. That will be our key with him-his heart.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub OLN


  1. What a gentle way to make the stud trust you. Letting him be caressed not to fear the rope... and what a great reward to have those mares... I think great things will happen with this trio.. :-)

  2. I like that Chatawa knows love and that he is treated with respect. Really enjoy reading your work, Glenn. :~)

  3. Beautiful quote.

    This is my favorite section of your poem/story:

    "No, he is all yours, jumping right out of the clouds for you, folding
    back his wings, mist still steaming off his spotted rump. You know
    he has great medicine & a warrior’s heart, & one day soon he will
    be pleased to carry your big bones."

  4. This is such a unique structure, making it movie-like. To me, it adds an interesting stage-like aspect to the piece, like it's all not quite real. Very interesting.

  5. I enjoyed the conversation with the horse, the taming and affection and yes love ~ You write as if you know a lot about taming wild horses Glenn ~

  6. Hi Glenn, you said in your comments over at dVerse that you invented this form; and I believe and admire that I have read many, many of these episodes. If I am honest I admit that I have lost track of the action. I admire your technique, but truthfully I admire more your poetry that can be read and commented on without a lot of history. You are a master of that. I think only a few might really be following all of the intricacies of Blackthorne. That does not mean Blackthorne is not valid...but I rather prefer your other poems & find I have nothing much to add to Blackthorne. I hope you don't mind my honesty.

  7. Whoa--this episode is replete with the sense of smell--so detailed that I can almost share the sensations. Having ridden and cared for horses in my youth, these always conjure up memories like the summer I had a crush with the kid who saddled our rides--even though he had the worst acne ever. Poor guy--hope he outgrew it.

  8. Loved it.. a part of me wishes they can never break him. Well...

  9. This story is filled with wonderful moments and such a sense of the physical...It leaves me wanting to know so much more about this horse. I'm really not familiar with screenplay writing, but this snippet is almost a complete film in itself. Wonderful writing that reflects a depth of understanding of everything you bring into your field of vision.

    Steve K.

  10. Your screenplay makes me think that you are really a horseman. I have calmed temperamental horses in just such a calm, waiting way. I also enjoyed your description in the comments lounge, and shall read your pieces with more understanding because of it.

  11. There has to be a feel for a horse to be able to transfer the emotions into a classic form. Not easy to break a wild horse but Blackthorne takes it just as well. What with the mares waiting in the wings! Brilliant shot Glenn, a unique take as usual!


  12. Buck and The Eagle are both poets in their own rights. Love The Eagle's line: "No, he is all yours, jumping right out of the clouds for you, folding
    back his wings, mist still steaming off his spotted rump. You know
    he has great medicine & a warrior’s heart, & one day soon he will
    be pleased to carry your big bones. It is my honor to help break him." Purely poetical!

  13. Pleasant Street has taken the bit in her teeth, & scrolled back to August, 10, 2013 on my site so that she can read the first episode of BLACKTHORNE, & will read forward from there; like binging on a TV series for catch-up. That is very flattering; thanks PS. Several more of you, some heretofore unknown to me, have made some wonderful & supportive comments on this poem, episode 51. For a sad moment yesterday, I got the feeling that my grand experiment, my saga, had run its course; but I can see now that it still generates interest, so it will continue on OLN. (sound of applause).

  14. Would love to see such a magnificent animal "tamed" on the big screen, Glenn :)

  15. A charming scene -- really amazing how you write it all out, one feels one's head turn back and forth. Thanks. k.

  16. Love tames wild
    and wild loves tame..
    and when Love loves wild
    and Tame loves Wild..
    the end product
    can be Love
    and Wild
    as one..
    so hmm..
    when Loving
    Horses Mate
    with Loving
    Horses wHere
    does wild go..
    to wild
    Wild now with
    Love's Mare..
    and yes.. my Father is
    Wild and Mother is Love..
    but i still
    as wild
    leaves early
    with only Love..
    wINks.. Glenn.. WitH
    Wild and Loving Horses..:)
