Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 14th

image from

June 14th

“There are two great days in a person’s life--the day you
are born & the day we discover why.”--William Barclay.

Breeze me away
from the blue                     quagmire,
              as my 70’s march on
              with breezy efficiency.

                                           Epiphanies can be like
                                      a gentle breeze, but
                                 at 2 am mine chilled
                              to the bone.

People are dying
all around me.
I need to
get my shit


Glenn Buttkus

Posted (late) over at dVerse Poets Pub Q10


  1. Hmmm. My seventies are marching on too. But sometimes I think what I need is simply to live and enjoy.

  2. 70 is a milestone, and so close it seems so much like a transition... though in reality it's a single day... Glad you have your blogger up again.

  3. That is a milestone...and yes the realization can be a lightning ~ Good to have you back Glenn ~

  4. Oh gosh, me too! Well said, Glenn.

  5. Sometimes I wonder what "getting our shit together" really means anymore. Are we ever ready to just live? Always waiting....for something.

  6. I feel ya, my friend. There is hope and sadness and a wry humor in this. Wonderful.
