Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dystopia Now

image borrowed from

Dystopia Now

“Hate looks like everybody else, until
it smiles.”--Tahereh Mafi.

It is so damn hard not to keck--
      (reeettcchh&rallphh) or visualize a wreck--
(screech--bam--splotch), contemp(silver)plating
a probable fascist malversation          within a jingo
                                                        oval (orifice),
                                               over blood(y) roses,
                                           without a garden or a
                                slender shred of hope;

all the while suffering from
       susurrous message overload
             bomBard-ing our census for 18
                   minutes of every media hour we partake.
             Never have we had to face such          
       an imbroglio, akin to a Korean          
battle axe lodged in Lady Liberty’s        
             bronze brain.                           For Christ’s sake,
                                                    even Dick Tracy would  
                                                 never have attempted to
                                   view BEN HUR on his wrist watch,    
                               and brave Buck Rogers might have
                        balked at riding in a driverless Uber Taxi,     
                  opting to utilize the manual override.                 
Yes, it still angers me that ten year old children have leg(ull)
ac(kk)cess(pool) to porn on public library computers, but
then obviously objectivity suffers paralysis when beautiful
breasts fill the screen, pious priests parlay for pernicious
pedephillia, demanding alter boy harems, while
                          ISIS  dispatches hundreds of suicide
                          bombers to Mosul, whistling banzai ballads
                          & hatching kamikaze daydreams--
                                    where the zealous brainwashed
                                     disregard for life garrotes any 
                          thoughts of a future, a family, or any
                          kind of world where cerulean blue skies
                                      swarm with white doves--
                                  paralleling the terrible hope--
                               lessness prevalent in ethnic
                           youth incased in our inner cities,
                     who prefer gang fellowship to
                 formal education, handguns to
              hockey, & drug money to

Futurists re-read I, ROBOT, praying that imminent
sentient technology will not emulate TERMINATOR

projections, or the lethal MATRIX WARS, and I tell
you sadly that nuclear annihilation is absolutely still

a viable carcinogen hungry to inhabit humanity, and
I fear insane hands hovering over apocalyptic launch

codes and flashing blood-red buttons, while hoping to
grope more women, initiate ethnic cleansing, construct

concentration camps & generate genocide, revitalizing all
my childhood nightmares of atomic bombs, Russian
paratroopers & macabre alien anal probes.

Regardless, I still
soldier on, struggling toward the

light of peace and love.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over on dVerse Poets Pub MTB


  1. Oh we have to fight against the tide of bad news... of dystopian visions... maybe someday we have to believe that we can go forth without battleaxes... I really thought you would enjoy the futurist language..

  2. I think your layout/form suits Futurism, Glenn. How did you manage to fit it into WordPress without it re-formatting it? I had to keep changing the layout on mine because WordPress didn't like it! I really like that quote. You seem to have had fun writing this one, too.
    I enjoyed the lines:

    'For Christ’s sake,
    even Dick Tracy would
    never have attempted to
    view BEN HUR on his wrist watch,
    and brave Buck Rogers might have
    balked at riding in a driverless Uber Taxi,
    opting to utilize the manual override.'

  3. Whoaaa this is absolutely hardcore brilliant!! Especially "I fear insane hands hovering over apocalyptic launch" just blew me away! Kudos!!

  4. Yes, a great quote, Glenn...and kudos on your ability to throw the future into your
    powerful comments on (the world) today. I can't believe the raw language we hear used on tv during prime time..and the drivel of pundits that fall on our young people's ears everyday. Morals have taken a deep plunge via the media.
    I like the "lessness"...Buck Rogers, et al......soldier on we must!

  5. The entire stanza that begins with"ISIS dispatches hundreds of suicide bombers to Mosul" and ending with "ethnic youth incased in our inner cities,who prefer gang fellowship to formal education, handguns to hockey, & drug money to poverty" was by far one of the best piece of poetry I have read in a long while. Well done.

  6. I knew you would love this prompt and aced it Glenn ~ Shivers on that this nightmare:

    apocalyptic launch
    codes and flashing blood-red buttons, while hoping to grope more women, initiate ethnic cleansing, construct
    concentration camps & generate genocide, revitalizing all my childhood nightmares of atomic bombs

    And I love that ending of light and hope~

  7. Truly brilliant work and I for one wish it were merely fevered fiction in the best pulp tradition. Alas, all our worst dreams are coming true while we consume the 24/7 feed and fill our stomachs with slow poison and legal narcotics.

  8. Yes, continue to soldier on for peace and love.'s the only hope we have in a dark world!

  9. Oh, I likey this piece of Futurism. It speaks to the present and to the past, and where we are stuck or maybe even going.

    Brilliant. Sorta changed my opinion on Futurism. It's all in the hands....
