Monday, July 17, 2017

Flicker Fun

image from

Flicker Fun

All writing is about the same thing--dying; about
the brief flicker of time we have here.”
--Mordecai Richler.

indicates motion
more than life.

flicker fast
fast enough
to appear
as clear images.

& bird’s wings
so rapidly
they hum.

I imagine that
at the point
of death,
reality flickers
ever so slowly
it finally

fades to black.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub Q44


  1. I like the idea of speed changing at death. Maybe it even goes faster.

  2. The flicker at the end is something we will only know once... I wonder if we can see it coming.

  3. That ending stanza is so powerful, Glenn. Life is so full of mystery and all we can do is move forward a step at a time, hoping we are okay and forgiving ourselves when we screw up.

  4. I like the last bit too...I think you may be right....XX

  5. Of course, we will never know, but in times of shock and pain things slow right down, don't they?

  6. I have heard that life flashes before our eyes .. just mere moments before death.. Beautifully penned.


  7. Well now, you've given us all something to think about. Don't some people who have had near death experiences say their life passed before them in review? In that event, it must flicker quickly or it would take us a long time to "pass over".

  8. I think flickering to the end is a good thing ---- much better than the alternative.

  9. That's an amazing poem Glenn. Like the way you leads us along and then 'boom' hit us with a stunning close. Great last stanza.

  10. The contrast of time, when death is dear, can be slow and agonizing ~ For some, specially the unexpected time, it can be fast, fading quickly to black ~

    Thanks Glenn for being part of our journey. Appreciate your steadfast support through the years.

  11. I really like your use of the word flicker to describe the contrasts of time either from movies, the movement of animals or the passing of life. Enjoyable read.

  12. I love your use of flicker - in each stanza so creatively.

  13. Gayle Walters RoseJuly 17, 2017 at 5:12 PM

    Love your descriptions of flickering, Glenn. Now you've made me wonder if as we "fade to black" here do we awaken to light somewhere else?

  14. I'm sure my whole life's passed before my eyes more than once. An interesting thought that is slows down at the end.

  15. Wow! I really like this. It is thought-provoking and creative while being concise. The quote at the top is great, too.

  16. The ending is thought provoking. I wonder what images will flicker through the mind in the end before the darkness settles in.

  17. Interesting thoughts on things that flicker.

  18. I like this contrast of fast and slow flickering of life.

  19. Ah, I love the imagery you left us at the end... life's flicker fading in to the dark.

  20. Awesome quadrille, Glenn. You paint death more gentle than frightful...hopefully, so.

  21. When I saw the prompt was flicker, I though to myself - now there's a movie word for Glenn. And then you turned it into something else!

  22. Oh Glenn....huge sigh just escaped my lips at the end of your post. Having a friend who lives/ed far away, who I sent an email with a funny photo of me in it every Monday for 2+ years as she battled ovarian cancer -- and feeling from afar as her life flickered out and imaging her seeing her children who she desperately wanted to live for -- you have hit a chord here my poetic friend. Wiping my eyes - I need to step away before I can continue reading this morning. Beautiful words, Glenn.

  23. True it is, Glenn.
    I touched on this myself mind, a friend in Hospice.

  24. Glenn Glenn..
    as you KNoW
    i've drifted
    away from
    dVerse and
    am swept into
    an Ocean of Poetic
    Words mostly elsewhere
    but i must give words of thanks
    here as i complete a Longest Long
    Form Poem on Record at 1.81 Million
    Words in 13.6 Months exceeding
    the Mahābhārata effort in
    India from Thousands
    of Years
    of combined
    Human Effort
    And as Flicker of
    Muse goes you were
    an incredible EnCourAginG
    Force at dVerse for the years
    i spent heAR you could See more
    of what i was doing as most for sure
    mY FriEnd
    And alWays
    Nice to
    you StiLL
    as Facebook
    FriEnd aS every
    Word of Encouragement
    iS A Treasured Gift iN LiFE
    And YoU BRinG mUch of thaT
    to me so i say thank you aGaiN..:)

  25. I think you might be right Glenn - sometimes the candle seems to burn too slow...
    Anna :o]

  26. Love that last stanza especially. Powerful!

  27. This is superb Glenn. The Tibetans seem to know a thing or two about the moment of dying.I'm pretty sure time will be perceived differently at that moment.

  28. I hope the flickering is slow. I want to savor the memories. Good write!

  29. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!

