Monday, October 30, 2017

Compassionate Conflict

image from

Compassionate Conflict

“Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and
the blind can see.”--Mark Twain

Unfortunately, our kindness, like our compassion
and empathy, is that part of the human condition
that allows the unscrupulous among us to work
their cons, scams & lies--allows politicians to 
thrive, and lawyers to successfully defend the guilty.

I always feel the tingle of alacrity when a stranger
stops me in a parking lot, sharing some sob story,
asking for ten bucks for gas so that his pregnant
wife can get to the doctor; or those smiling sons
of bitches who come to my door offering bogus
services, or collecting data for a greedy corporation.

Yet if you approach me, then look me in the eyes,
tell me your situation. & I hear no alarms--I will 
give you food, a ride, or money, or all three. So,
yes, even though deceptions surround us, making
me paranoid, suspicious, or sarcastic--my heart
is still touchable.

Mighty maple first
puts on a show. then it

kindly shares its leaves.

Glenn Buttkus


  1. Its a mess. Those that take advantage. I will be honest and say I really try not to even think about it much anymore. It tarnishes the gift I give to consider their intentions. It is no longer free. So I just give as I can, knowing that it will be used for whatever. Something made them need it.

    I did have a drunk once ask me for money for another drink. At least he was honest. No con job.

    Ha. There was an old man yesterday that pushed his way to the front of the queque. He had along story about his wife being sick and being in a hurry. Very rude to the cashier, not wanting to talk to her. I saw him and his wife in the lot after and she was perfectly healthy.

    But that is only what I see with my eyes. What do I know. Perhaps she is. But I choose how to think, or what bags to carry.

    Took a train up through the mountains this weekend. An old passenger locomotive. Gods, the leaves were gorgeous. Even the hemlocks, dead from the wooly adelgid had a silvery glow in their dying.

  2. Yes, I hear you about scammers and beggars who make this for a living. I believe in the goodness inside us and when asked kindly, I am sure, we will all give willingly.

  3. I too hear you about kindness but...I was taught to be kind to everyone and if they say they need money, if I have a bit to share, to share and to not question the motive. Whatever they use it for honestly, is still their business and not mine. I am giving them a gift. I am not expecting a contract or anything in return. Sometimes people are ashamed and cannot meet the person's eye. I choose to give the gift. No one makes me, I can walk aaway. Nice haiku at the end of your rather long haibun. but I am forgiving too long or not a proper haiku today.

  4. One has to be wary of scams. I like you haiku about the maple putting on a show before sharing.

  5. There are many conflicts of giving... do they need what they are asked for? Is it really best for them? We have beggars travelling from Romania and Bulgaria to beg in our streets, and clearly it would be better if we could help them at home. Yet showing the kindness of seeing them is a good start. Loved your haiku too.

  6. You're right about listening for alarm bells. Sadly, it's the only way sometimes. It's still worth doing though. Love the haibun.

  7. I am glad that you still give. XX

  8. Lovely haiku. The generosity of nature, doesn't have to think about the whys and wherefores.

  9. That's another great quotation, Glenn - where do you find them?
    I agree that unscrupulous people take advantage of our kindness and even though we know that, we still want to help whenever we see someone struggling. I love the haiku!


  10. I share your annoyance with panhandlers. I try to give kind words to grocery checkers and bag boys, bank clerks, and random people with whom I come in contact. Amazing how someone lights up with they receive a kind word! I strongly suspect you're a teddy bear in disguise, Glenn!

  11. Love the Mark Twain quote. I agree, the scammers can harden your heart. The fight is to not let them rob you of your 'kindness'. A nice write.


  12. Perhaps our intention to be kind supersedes the craft of the scammer. It's great when I can meaningfully make a difference by giving.

  13. It is difficult to discern the truly needy from the scammers. We all have our own instincts, and have to follow them.
    Lovely haiku, Glenn.

  14. Unfortunately there is deception, and I think we have all been scammed in some way. The eyes are a good clue, there is truth that seeps out of them. I love your haiku!

  15. I love the beauty of your haiku. Love what friend X has to say. Wonderful to have him among us!

  16. Reminded me of the time I got robbed by 2 kids who I offered a lift in my car. It wasn't the first time I did it but it was the last. Loved your haiku
