Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blackthorne--Episode 86

image from


Cinemagenic Eighty-Six


“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.
The human spirit grows stronger by conflict.”
--William Ellery Channing.

1(overhead wide crane shot) Farmer’s daughters,
whores, old maids and young maidens whirled about
with the the dancing; their petticoats flashing clean,
white and frilly--hoots and hollers like Rebel yells,
and stamping feet sounding like a brigade marching.
The great hay-strewn place steamed from the hot
excited mass of people who jumped about and
sweated in it.
2(cut to medium steadicam wide shot) To the left of
the band platform, stood a less active knot of folks.
Bronson had sent over some of his painted ladies;
all cleavage, bright hair combs, and lace. Buck
recognized the fat whore he had been with his first
day in town. Paulie stood alongside his ginger-haired
girlfriend, holding a punch glass full of whiskey;
already tipsy. Thor stood tall in their midst, and when 
Buck’s eyes got to him, once again he had been 
watching Buck, waiting to be noticed. Cash was not
there. Thor was not wearing a gun.
3(cut to a two-shot) Salina: Didn’t you come here to
dance? Buck turned to her: Yes, Ma’dam, I did!
4(steadicam traveling shots) He got lost in her bright
eyes. Seeing no one else after that, they stepped into
the middle of the milling bodies. He swung, twirled.
jumped and hopped with her for a frantic forty minutes.
They came to a halt after a particularly fast dance,
stepping to the side, both smiling, both short of
breath. Salina hugged him. He put an arm around her
tiny waist, and gave her a sweaty peck on her rosy
cheek. He steered her to the punch bowl. Her father
was still manning his post.
5(cut to a three-shot) Wallace: I see you are still on 
your feet; congratulations.
Buck: I haven’t danced that much since the time the
pigs ate my cousin!
Salina: Dad, are you going to stay glued to this punch
bowl all evening? There are plenty of good-looking
women here that are dying to dance with you.
Wallace: The hell you say, daughter? None of these
fore-mentioned ladies have asked me to dance yet.
Salina: They tell me that it’s the gentleman who is
supposed to ask the lady for a dance.
Wallace: Don’t give me that asked Buck,
didn’t you?
Salina: Is it possible that you have sampled more
than your share of the punch?
Wallace: I’m every bit as handsome as I
will just stand here a wait for my charm and good
looks to overwhelm one of these ladies.
6(two-shot) Buck: Would you like some punch?
--asking Salina. Love some, she replied, radiant
and happy.
7(sound cue--voice over) How about filling mine?
8(four-shot) They turned to find Thor, his back to
the camera: Made me powerful thirsty just
watching you two kicking up your heels.
9(medium close-up) Buck, forcing a grin: Sure.
10(four-shot) Buck’s back to the camera, Thor
with a cruel smile. Buck reached out and took
Thor’s empty punch glass. 
11(close-up) Wallace: Hey, Thor--how’s the
rawhiding business? 
12(medium close-up) Thor chuckled, and cracked
a wide smile; he had big white teeth, like a mule
in his thin face. Thor: Damn, Henry, are you trying
to bait me?
13(two-shot) Wallace: Why in Christ’s world would
I want to do that?
Thor: Oh, I don’t know, maybe to show off in front
of your daughter and her date, perhaps to just put
a burr in my blanket, because you know that I would
never lay a hand on you.
Wallace: Is that right?
Salina: Dad...
Wallace: You owe me nothing, Mr. Hardcase. 
Everybody knows that my daughter wants nothing
to do with you anymore, and I would like to add to
that I never liked you.
Here, Buck interrupted, handing a full glass of punch
to Thor, who took it, sipped from it, and said: You
know, buffman, you’re one royal pain in the ass.
So are you, sheriff Joe Hop said from behind
Thor. The Eagle stood alongside him.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub O


  1. Oh oh... tension is building... I do expect a fist fight, Thor will not take this, just wonder who he will attack first... you keep me in suspense.

  2. Ohh this is getting good!❤️ I expect there will be a big showdown between Buck and Thor for the love of Salina as I believe Thor isn't ready to throw in the towel yet.

  3. The showdown begins between Buck and Thor. Man, this story is really good and can't wait till next time on the fight. Love this Glenn.

  4. An ominous title and a great episode, Glenn! I enjoyed the opening shot of the dancing and the descriptions of each character – you set it up so well. I did wonder about Buck saying “I haven’t danced that much since the time the pigs ate my cousin!” What is the story behind that? Thor’s definitely looking for trouble - thank goodness the sheriff showed up!

  5. "since that time the pigs ate my cousin"? Too funny.

  6. Well I so enjoyed the date dance and conversation with the father. The ending was like cold water, tension stirring up. Yes, I thought the "pigs ate my cousin" was also funny.

  7. Pigs will eat humans who fall in the mud if they are hungry. I had an uncle who lost a hand that way. The fight is coming. It is inevitable.

  8. It doesn’t take long yo get cought up in this story - and then .......... Can’t wait for the next installment

  9. I can feel the tension heating up the room and I don't mean from dancing. There's a bruised ego that needs to have a say. Another wonderful segment Glenn.

  10. The last line created the perfect opening for the next episode. Love the series. Hope you're thinking of publishing.

  11. I am expecting a drink in the face followed by a fist! Then there will be dancin' and fightin' goodole time!

    Love these Glenn. I amd begiining even to understand the camera cues! Nice writin'...!

  12. It looks like the sheriff got there just in time.

  13. I really especially loved being drawn into the dancing, physical and visceral. So well done Glen!

  14. Sheer awesomeness! Can't wait for the next one!
