Monday, February 11, 2019

Love For Sale

image from

Love For Sale

“Hollywood is a place where they will pay you
a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents
 for your soul.”--Marilyn Monroe.

Audrey Hepburn liked to kiss.
Marilyn Monroe did not.
Tony Curtis once said:
Kissing Marilyn is like kissing Hitler.
She was a sex symbol
only on the outside;
that’s so sad.

Snowshoe rabbit has
only a camouflage; hawk’s talons
give the kiss of death.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub


  1. Goodness, Marilyn's quote is chilling. So well used here, Glenn. I like to think that she just saved her softness for somebody real, not for the screen.

  2. I agree with De... to kiss on command is not really a virtue.
    I'm sure there were those that she kissed for real

  3. Marilyn was a sad figure altogether. If anyone had found her softness and cherished it, she wouldn't have ended like she did.

  4. Naughty Tony Curtis to say such an unkind thing.

  5. She was probably pissed he was messing up her lipstick. ;)

  6. She was certainly a force to be reckoned with! Such a powerfully written quadrille, Glenn!❤️

  7. Powerful rendering all the way around that evokes a lot of feelings while reading it.

  8. That might be T-Curt, but I would've loved to have tasted those lips...
    "The talon's grip is mighty mighty
    Get's your neck it's nighty nighty"
    I think we need to ask JFK how those luscious reds felt!
    Liked this Haibun Glenn, especially the power of the haiku.

  9. I'm writing a book on sexual harassment right now, and so I wonder how much MM had to endure. Maybe she didn't like Curtis. I imagine she liked kissing people she wanted to kiss. Curtis was going for a cheap laugh.

    Were you thinking of the Cole Porter song with the title?

  10. Anyone who has read Marilyn's poetry would realize that Tony Curtis had no clue about her.

  11. That’s a Marilyn quote I hadn’t seen before. She hid her intelligence and inner beauty under a bushel of glamour and didn’t really let anyone in. She was a tragic soul, neglected and often abused by the men in her life, and I'd like to think that someone understood her. I have a soft spot for her. I love the haiku, Glenn!

  12. Oh, that Marilyn quote sets the mood and tone perfectly to all that you have to say. The haiku captures it so well — I feel that sharp twinge of pain with those "hawk's talons". A sad and yet powerful haibun!

  13. Whoah!!!! I just sucked in my breath, literally and audibly, at the end of reading your 44 word haibun here. Wow! I've always thought the story of Marilyn Monroe a very sad one. You've just nailed it here....and especially with the haiku. Wow! Just WOW!

  14. Your poem is a reminder why I joined dverse. I learn something new each day. A great write (I wonder how dark Marilyn's life must have been).

  15. Nice contrast between Hepburn and Monroe. I didn't know that about either.

  16. “Hollywood is a place where they will pay you
    a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents
    for your soul.”--Marilyn Monroe.

    My how Times have
    Changed A Public
    Dance Hall A Place
    Where Bootie Dances
    Are Gifted
    to Strangers
    For Fun..
    What Kisses
    What Love What Fun...

  17. Poor Marilyn. She must have really been cynical to come up with that quote.

  18. Marilyn Monroe exposes the rot beneath the veneer. Your imagery portrays the bitter truth of her insight exsquisitely!
