Friday, March 15, 2019

Allahu Akbar

image from 

Allahu Akbar

“Praise the wonders of God, whether we call him
Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, the Great Spirit, or
Allthatis.”--Abu Bakr.

Hate must not replace Love.
Bullets are never kind.
Automatic rifles bark death.
Muslims are not safe.

Bullets are never kind,
even in Christchurch.
Automatic rifles bark death,
even in New Zealand.

Even in Christchurch,
murder interrupts prayer.
Even in New Zealand,
sanctuary is stifled by slaughter.

Murder interrupts prayer.
Automatic rifles bark death.
Sanctuary is stifled by slaughter.
Hate must not replace Love. 

Glenn Buttkus

Rogue Pantoum;
short lines, no rhymes

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub MTB


  1. Another sad milepost on the eveli journey of ignorance...

  2. I think fear of the unknown creates this horrendous evil of ignorance. And fear of upsetting our own comfortable lives and beliefs. Too many tragic stories like this. Thank you Glenn.

  3. I like your message, Hate must not replace Love. Sad about what happened to a peaceful country and people praying too. Bullets are never kind.

  4. i wrote one too Glenn, so saddened by this, i echo your message, hate cannot replace love, never ever. a very brisk pantoum, but leaves a dent

  5. These days are so dark... and though there is so much love pouring out afterwards, there are always those who will pick up the baton

  6. I like your poem! "Hate must not replace Love" repeated is so apt. Your messsage fits the pantoum form very well, I think.

  7. bullets are never kind. bullesye. really sad but powerful one.

  8. "Hate must never replace love", but who or what will stop the trajectory?
