Monday, April 1, 2019

Poisson D'Avril

image from

Poisson d’Avril

“Let us be thankful for the fools--but for them, the
rest of us could not succeed.”
--Mark Twain.

In 1686, dozens of people were tricked into going
to the Tower of London, to see them “washing the
lions.”  Of course a good snipe hunt can happen
during any month, but when it happens on the
evening of April 1, it is especially effective. On
April 1, 1935, 20,000 people attended Bonnie 
Parker’s funeral only to find a Mae West mannequin 
in the casket. In Scotland, on April first, called
Huntigowk Day, a person is given a sealed 
message to pass on to another. The message
reads “Dinna laugh, dinna smile--just hunt the
gowk another mile .”

George Burns, on April 1, after his 100th
birthday, posted in Variety, “Actually, I died three
years ago. Haven’t you noticed I’m always sitting
on Edgar Bergen’s lap?”  Mickey Rooney married
all of his eight wives on April first, and he divorced
them on Thanksgiving. In 1957, on April 1, the
Swedish National Television broadcasted a five
minute special reporting that if one holds up a
woman’s stocking over the screen of a B/W TV,
it would broadcast in color. on April 1, 2008, the
BBC did a story on a rare breed of flying penguins
discovered in Antarctica.

Noah sent the dove from
the ark before the water
ebbed, on April first. 

Glenn Buttkus


dVerse Poets Pub


  1. Really(about Noah and ark)!!!
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  2. Great stuff you shared her Glenn. The Mickey Rooney thing is killer. Noah, yes, that is definitely a joke - and a helluvalot of people sadly are fooled.

  3. Just being in the ark would have been an April fools joke! Do you think God was laughing??

  4. Interesting history of tricks played.

  5. The old jokes are the best jokes, Glenn, and you certainly found some great ones. I think I heard about the Tower of London and “washing the lions” but this is the first time I’ve read about the Mae West mannequin in Bonnie Parker’s casket or Mickey Rooney’s April Fools weddings.
    Was the first April Fools the apple in the Garden of Eden? I think whoever or whatever he or she is, God is the biggest joker of them all. That’s why I’m an atheist.

  6. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God" Ps 14:1

  7. The history of jokes are especially good... I grew up hearing about the stockings and understood that some people actually believed it.
