Thursday, August 29, 2019

Brown Shirt--Red Tie

image from

Brown Shirt--Red Tie

“When Trump made his announcement to run for
President, he paid actors $50 to cheer for him.”
--the Washington Post.

The dismantling of democracy is a terrible sight.
Trump loves “strong men”, hopes to be their heir.
Fascism is a cancer, having a putrid scent.
Trump has contracted the “F” disease, and I’ll
endeavor not to allow Fascism to just slip by.
My muckraker door will never close.

I’ll never be a dingo in kangaroo clothes.
Now there’s disdain for human rights, on or off site.
A move to merge Church & State; solicit or buy
supremacy for the Military; keep war in the air.
There’s rampant sexism in every state and isle.
Identify enemies for unifying the cause; message sent.

Stoke bloody Nationalism, regardless of rotten scent.
Control the Mass Media; keep them very close. 
Hate intellectuals & artists; shut down all aisles
of communication, make new laws to cite.
Cronyism and corruption must be curtailed ere
Lady Liberty’s welcome turns to bye-bye.

Voter suppression, fraudulent elections, thugs to buy.
Limitless power of police & military; spend every cent
to make it so; tear gas canisters in the air.
Suppress Labor Unions, those litigations never close.
T45 apes Mussolini, Hitler & Franco, plus others to cite.
Be a narcissist, have no empathy, and for one, I’ll

raise a fist of defiance. Our president is on an isle
of deceit. Justice is avoided, or allowed to buy
off decisions, or be hidden, all in plain sight.
Lies, rife with condolences are forced to be sent.
T45 sees an emperor in Trump brand clothes
made in China. He must be removed ere

his arrogance and ignorance grows--for he’s heir
to monsters. Swearing by the Constitution, I’ll
rail against him, truth to power, hoping to close
this dark chapter, and finally just wave bye-bye
to this carbuncle, as the nation heals, & the scent
of corruption cleansed, confining him to a dark aisle
between prison & oblivion, forever out of sight.

We must clear the air, restore some sanity by
ensuring it never reoccurs. I’ll be the one who sent
demands for closure, with true data to cite.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub


  1. An impressive and resounding condemnation of the state of the union and its repugnant captain. You have a lot of focus and skill in how you put this together with the homonyms, Glenn. Yes, I hope he will be banished to somewhere between obscurity and oblivion.

  2. It's happening all over, Glenn. IT's very frightening. Our parliament is being suspended so that "the will of the people" can be carried out, by a man elected by 140,000 people in a minority government.

    Regardless of politics, this was a great lesson in homonyms for me. It even makes the poem look better, I think. A master class.

  3. Very clever use of homophones in this sestina, Glenn. Glad to see you (at least, so it seems) enjoying the form and using it to express your views so clearly and cleverly.

  4. Oh I can feel how you manage to make the sestina your own (it's even hard to notice that it's one)... I hope that next election sends a clear message before it's too late. You only have to look at Poland and Hungary to see what might happen.

  5. Well done with another sestina Glenn. You do well with the form.

  6. The theme is terrifying and I hope USA elects another one. On the form though, the use of homonymes on the end words are so clever, and I like how you selected the words too. Thanks for the great examples Glenn.

  7. Why don't you tell us how you really feel? (LOL)

    Brilliant sestina, wonderful homonyming.

    As an Aussie, I appreciated the dingo and kangaroo metaphor, replacing wolf and sheep. (Alas, we have our own home-grown version.)

  8. This really shows how this form can make poetic the politic. With the homonyms too this expresses very clearly the gradual ascent to fascism. Let's hope those who want 'strong men' as many seem to here and think this Boris Johnson is. Real strength was in the Conservatives who put national interest above their party and were then expelled. I wish I could have more confidence that voters will vote against deception and for social and environmental concerns.
