Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inquiring Minds

image from etsy.com

Inquiring Minds

“I will wait for you like a lonely house till you see
me and live in me again. Until then my windows
will ache.”--Pablo Neruda.

When will all the glaciers return?

When will the endless wars
in the Middle East
turn into peace?

Where will you find a bell
that will ring
in your dreams?

Where is any
pragmatic plan
for dumping Trump?

Where do all
the extinct species
go to hide?

Isn’t being
in Trump’s cabinet
like following an elephant
with a shovel?

Is Jesus actually willing
to stop the next
Great Flood, or will he
just become
the King of Waterworld?

When the New Civil War
is full upon us, and
thousands are dying,
who will step in
for Lincoln?

Do cockroaches care
that young black men
are murdered 
on their way home
from the store?

When RBG dies,
will the Supreme Court
become ludicrous? 

Why not build a base on the Moon,
before trying for Mars?

Isn’t driving while intexticated like
playing hopscotch on the freeway?

Why does the rise of technology create
clueless, detached, selfish young people?

Will the angels rebel against all those
Evangelicals for  Trump?

With only a skeleton crew still aboard 
the Trump Train, what keeps it on the tracks?

There is a lot of heavy lifting to be done
in all sectors, should we call in the poets?

 Glenn Buttkus

Posted over atdVerse Poets Pub


  1. So many questions, Glenn. I just wish we could find the answers. Calling in the poets is a good idea!

  2. some up to the minute questions Glenn though the challenge was to use one of the given questions as prompt for the poem

  3. Some odd questions. I thought the prompt said to use one of the six posted. And of course, trumpler was nowhere in the six questions thank the lord.

  4. I enjoyed this, especially your last question. Nice incorporation of Neruda's question
    "Where will you find a bell
    that will ring
    in your dreams?"

  5. All good questions and I really wish we knew the answers. Maybe the poets and the angels can ally?

  6. Questions questions everywhere, and not a mind to think! This is not just food for thought Glenn, it’s an entire buffet!

  7. I like the questions type of response. I hope we can get answers soon. If not, call in the poets.

  8. So many questions; feels like an endless purgatory.

  9. Call in the poets. They may not have all the answers but their words are magic.

  10. Like an endless tape loop, no end to it. Yes, call in the poets!

  11. I say, “yes!“ Call in the poets-and we’ll put a stop to the madness.

  12. I think these are questions we will never see answered.

  13. I think as usual that the poets call themselves in on their own, but few listen who need to hear.

  14. Great final question, already being answered.
