Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Vagabond Buddha

image from artworld.com

Vagabond Buddha

“A Vagabond Buddha is awake. They embrace that
awakening for the simple joys that arise in the
present moment.”--Eckhart Tolle.

Poetry has always
been a portal for my best
imagining.   G. Buttkus

There is a crack
in everything--that is how
the light gets in.  L. Cohen

If you think it long
and mad, the wind of banners
passes through my life.  P. Neruda

America, I
have given you my all and
now I am nothing. A. Ginsberg

Find your place on the
planet. Dig it, and then accept
responsibility.  G. Snyder

One day I will find
the right words, and I know
they will be simple. J. Kerouac

I’m here to unlearn
the teachings of the church.
I am my own God.  C. Bukowski

We are stardust, we
are golden, and have to get
back to the garden.  J. Mitchell

Do I contradict
myself? Fine, for I’m large, and
contain multitudes.  W. Whitman.

I can hardly sit
still; fidgeting, I feel like
I could throw off sparks. R Carver

First, the uterus
gives access; finally then death
gives us egress.  G. Buttkus

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poets Pub


  1. Keep it simple. A deep wheel of thought.

  2. Many deep thinkers, saying keep it simple. Oh what a paradox! Wonderful collection you've gathered in your renga, Glenn.

  3. Curation is an act of creation. Bringing these together into conversation (and what a great conversation that would be!)

    I did take part in some online rengas a few years ago - Jilly set up some collaborative poems. A link is here: https://jillys2016.wordpress.com/2017/10/06/casting-bricks-jillys-october-challenge/ if you want to explore what she did.

    It was a lot of fun, and I'd definitely be up for it again. I've wondered about the logistics of doing something collaborative as a dVerse prompt, but I think people would really want to take part, it wouldn't work if you just threw it out there.

  4. Here's another link to a finished renga that Qbit and I did together. It was great to bounce off another poet.


    In that first link you have to read down to the bottom to find the renga stuff.

    And I know it was a very loose renga. Don't @ me, as the kids say.

  5. I wish I’d stayed awake and beaten other people to the comments! I agree with Kerfe, a deep wheel of thought. It is an inspired renga. I also concur with Sarah that curation is an act of creation. I love that you’ve included Leonard Cohen and Joni, but my favourite is yours:
    ‘Poetry has always
    been a portal for my best

  6. I like the Joni Mitchell quote.

  7. Then can I walk beside you? You know, life is for learning...Thank you, I'm singing along with Joni now.

  8. I too like yours best- Composition absolutely is an art. The connections between things are everything.

  9. The portal for best imagining seems ideal. I like how you built on it and related with different strands of thought — I love Whitman's multitudes particularly. :-)

  10. Each stanza gives pause for thought. A most interesting approach!

  11. Poetry---- the best of portals ... great set of quotes. Sorry for being late commenting... We have had Ascension weekend so I have been away from writing.
