Thursday, November 19, 2020

Death as Lover

painting by Maxi Rodriguez.

 Death as Lover

“What would humans do without love,

become the Undead?”--Terry Pratchett.

Living the plague years,

with a quarter million dead

at our very doorstep,

we can only conjure Hope

from the strength within.

--Glenn Buttkus

To the well organ-

ized mind, death is but the next

great adventure.--J.K.Rowling

When death first touches you

as a youth, it’s a monster

of the first order,

but as it reappears its

features do soften.

--Glenn Buttkus

I am not afraid

of death, I just don’t want to

be there when it happens.

--Woody Allen

Death, as uterine

cancer, lingered with my mother,

taking her at 39,

but I took flight and soared

as all fledglings must.

--Glenn Buttkus

The fear of death is

related to fear of life;

a man who lives fully

is prepared to die.

--Mark Twain

In the Twilight Zone,

Death has the face of Robert Redford,

and the hands of Jesus.--Glenn Buttkus

I don’t want to die without any scars.

--Chuck Palahniuk.

For Sale--Baby Shoes--Never worn.

--Ernest Hemingway.

When people don’t express themselves, they die

one piece at a time.--Halse Anderson.

The Virus has taken

a dear friend of mine at 59,

so she doesn’t have to fight

cancer any longer.--Glenn Buttkus

For me, death is skidding

in broadside in a cloud of smoke,

totally worn out, while loudly

proclaiming, Wow, what a fucking ride!

--Hunter S. Thompson

If Death is a doorway,

and I hope it is, then Covid

is a resplendent Doorman.

--Glenn Buttkus

You only live twice,

once when you are born, and when

you look death in the face.

--Ian Fleming.

Over the last few years,

I’m sometimes awakened hearing

someone call my name.

--Glenn Buttkus.

When he shall die, cut him

into little stars, so that the world

will be in love with the night.

--William Shakespeare.

I’d like to think that

death is just exiting the play to

change costume and return

as a new character.

--Glenn Buttkus

Glenn Buttkus

Renga--haiku, tanka, senryu, & gembun.

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. A sparkling array of jinsei Glenn - it's hard to pick a favourite - (I think my least favourite was Twain's quote on the unfulfilled life - I don't think he knows anything about death) As a whole, this work says to me - that for many of us, we'll see death again and again - in different windows - sometimes hurrying by, sometimes plainly and sometimes in dreams. Great stuff.

  2. Glenn I not only really like the original pieces you’ve written here, but bravo to the focus you put into finding relevant statements from past voices. I’m not certain I want to come back as another character brother, it might be nice to just come back as the scenery.

  3. What a dance of ideas concerning the inevitable. Interesting the idea of death's feature's softening with repeated associations. These are all good for their matter of fact lack of fear.

  4. I'd hate to think in death I'd have to provide a rejoinder for every thought cast my way. Give me silence. Thank you for taking on the task.

  5. An insightful compendium of quotes on the subject, Glenn. Your quotes stand with all of the ones you have included. Of course, I'm thrilled to see you quote Chuck P. Not a fan of Thompson's method of leaving. I hope mine is quiet, with loved ones near, holding my hand.

  6. Your series of Jisei offer a profound meditation on death--and living life to the full in the face of it. Bravo!

  7. Wow, Glenn, a whole renku of Jisei, and a good choice in the Terry Pratchett quote! The first of yours is contemporary and we all identify with it. The others are more personal and tell us about you. I love the final one, with death exiting the play to ‘change costume and return as a new character’.

  8. I love these quotes Glenn, especially the ones you wrote yourself. Definitely in the philosophical spirit of jisei, if I have understood correctly!

  9. I love the interpretation of the prompt as a journey through the words of others, inspiring your own expression on each quote.

  10. A powerful reflection on life and death Glenn.

  11. Hopefully, that particular "doorman" doesn't expect a Christmas gratuity.

  12. I'd like to think that too. Another overflowing pondering. The Hemingway gets me every time.

  13. Your quotes are incredible Glenn, I’m saving them for future reference. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on deathl.

  14. Your quotes were wonderful Glenn... both yours and others. I thought this one said it all...
    The fear of death is

    related to fear of life;

    a man who lives fully

    is prepared to die.

    --Mark Twain

  15. I love how you mixed your own poems with all those quotes you have made into poems... Somehow we need to find a way to keep death at bay until we can welcome him as an old friend...

  16. This is so heart catching and powerful. Mesmerising rhythm and such intense meaning that held me to the end. Thank you.
