Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Messianic Alms

painting by Ed Knippers

 Messianic Alms

“Give, if thou can, an alms; if not then a sweet

and gentle word.”--Robert Herrick.

The wild wind whispers it,

to the shadow tribe,

to empty pueblos, 

to the tundra, forming words,

with ice crystal and moss,

but I don’t see it on billboards,

or on the sides of buildings,

or hidden in ipod text,

only finding counterfeit cheer,

as three-year olds tell me

there is no Santa Claus.

Carols sound like elevator music,

holiday commercials seem absurd,

as spokespersons gather, mingle,

enjoying Christmas meals, with

no one wearing masks, fake smiles,

unrealistic laughing, the same

old Hallmark roppa-doppa,

which is just garish lipstick

on Death’s mouth,

as hospitals fill to capacity,

having to gerry-rig triage

and urgent care units

in their parking garages;

as rented refrigerated trailers

line up behind the sad edifices

like white knight morgues,

as criminals are set free

because Covid and Crime

has overpopulated all the prisons,

as our youth still stand in harm’s way

in too many Middle East war zones,

some in urban firefights,

sitting in bloody corners

holding their severed limb

under their arm

like a holiday ham,

conversing with a severed head

of the kid who stood behind them

bitching about the Swanson dinner

awaiting them at Christmas;

dry cracked lips

moving mechanically

midst melee, chaos and darkness,

death tolls matching 9/11

and Pearl Harbor every 

single day in America,

one person dying

every 40 seconds,

while Australia has conquered

the pandemic, their new cases

at Zero,

And yet just this week,

ReTrumplicans are acknowledging 

Biden as our next President,

and Covid vaccines are being

certified, and miraculously

needles are going into arms,

there is a dim light,

a pinpoint the size of a pea

moving slowly toward us,

as a message is being

communicated, first a

barely audible hiss,

like rolling thunder,

being repeated as a mantra;

“For Christ’s sake, it’s almost Christmas, be strong,

accept Hope as your primary present, and

remember next year comes with hugs.”

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. This is incredibly potent, Glenn! I resonate with; "Carols sound like elevator music,holiday commercials seem absurd,as spokespersons gather,mingle,enjoying Christmas meals, with no one wearing masks, fake smiles,unrealistic laughing, the same old Hallmark roppa-doppa,which is just garish lipstick on Death’s mouth." Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt!💝

  2. Glenn, this is a State of the Union address. I love your style and how your truth rings out.

  3. A riveting write, which you do so well. Your final advice is well taken, by the way!

  4. There always is a light at the end of the tunnel, however small it may be. From destruction to tragedies, it can be hard to see what hope is left for this world and even humanity.

    But things change, things can get better in spite of the circumstances. Whatever hope is left, that hope can be ignited into a small flame to keep; and overtime, it will burn brighter and brighter. We just need to keep looking for what is considered good in our life.

    A very well-written piece. It's beautiful, realistic, and hopeful.

  5. Keep in mind brother, while peering into the tunnel of time. that tiny ever-growing light, might just be a speeding train... so be certain you’re not on the tracks... what a pessimist I can be, but I saw polly anna run over by that train. But one can always hope... :) ...and I do!

  6. Great use of alliteration in the opening line, Glenn, that really sets the scene, together with the empty pueblos, and ‘the tundra, forming words, with ice crystal and moss’. The next stanza is so full of disappointment and despair, especially in the lines:
    ‘as three-year olds tell me
    there is no Santa Claus’.
    The carols that sound like elevator music and the absurd holiday commercials are all too familiar, as you say, ‘garish lipstick on Death’s mouth, as hospitals fill to capacity’. Your poem is a stark snapshot of this year, with an inkling of hope and hugs at the end.

  7. Wow, such powerful words Glenn! Your country is going through a lot of pain now, as mine will be very soon with the twin demons of Covid and Brexit to contend with. At least Johnson will not get a Trump-y cosy trade deal now and hopefully even the people who voted for him will not realise he's pushed Britain off the edge of a cliff. There is light at the end of the tunnel - pinprick small like you said, but still light, at least.

  8. Glenn, you have captured what we are feeling so well.

  9. We don't need any gothic tale to find horror... the news is good enough to works as a horror show.

  10. Yes, what Björn said. At least there are some glimmers of light and hope now.

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