Monday, December 7, 2020


painting by Valentin de Boulogne 


“An atheist waving a cross at a vampire is a truly 

pitiful sight.”--Laurell K. Hamilton.

Decades ago, I noted that some poets had written

more than 1,000 poems. At that point, I had written

about 300. It required an event or nagging emotional

events to move my quill. I had not yet found a

poetry website that offered prompts. My readership

was confined to family, friends, and passers by on

my blog.

Poetically, I passed the thousand mark years ago.

Then Brian Miller asked me to stop by d’Verse Poet’s

Pub. Initially, I was very challenged by the classical

poetic form prompts. I was Mr. Free Verse. My style

expanded to include classic forms and adaptations,

especially the Asian forms and my confidence grew.

For instance, last Thursday I wrote JESUS JUST LEFT

CHICAGO. Today, reading what I have just written, I

now believe my label of “Poet” can be worn with pride,

because I now feel that my poetry soars.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. I think many of us remember entering the realm of dVerse all those years ago... I remember I called myself apprentice (and I think I will always be) but that is just to reach the next level.

    You can proudly say "I'm a poet"

  2. Ah Glenn.....what else is there to say but YES, INDEED! :)
    I still sometimes feel I'm dealing with what I call poetic sodoku when I see a prompt that requires a particular form! When I first started writing poetry some 5+ years ago, and established my blog, I called it "lillian the home poet" because that's exactly what I am. I don't aspire to a prize in literature and, in truth, I write for enjoyment and self-expression. I think that's why many of us write. I ALWAYS enjoy your posts, Glenn.....and most especialy I'm always ready to read more about Buck!

  3. Indeed it soars, Glenn. A visit here is always entertaining. We all bring to the table a need to write, and our skills to accomplish that are as varied as are we! What a wonderful place this is!

  4. Glenn, I first saw Jane's poetry at OctWriPoMo and kept seeing dVerse links attached to her writing. One day I decided to follow her. I moseyed in and cosyed up to the bar. You were there that day I believe. It's a lovely pub to call home away from home. May I say it is an honor and a privilege, not to mention a lot of fun, sitting next to you here. Your words are alive and have heartened and enlightened many a dark day. Cheers!

  5. This is moving and stirring, Glenn. Like you, I could not find a perfect poetry prompt site until I one day decided to jump in at dVerse after months of only lurking and not writing. :) If it wasn't for dVerse, I don't think I'd be writing this often.

    "Today, reading what I have just written, I

    now believe my label of “Poet” can be worn with pride,

    because I now feel that my poetry soars."

    This is eloquently beautiful. It warms my heart so much especially with the confidence in this stanza. Just believing alone in your own work can be a beautiful thing. Spread those wings, dear poet, and let your poetry sing and fly. You've earned them well.

  6. Yes, Glenn, Wear it with pride! It is amazing what a website like d'Verse can do for people like us who could barely write our name correctly!!

  7. Yes indeed Bravo.
    I started blogging with haiku, sharing moments of ordinary things and time that many overlook or think not worthy enough to pen. But that is the nature of haiku.
    A few haiku friends visited. We nudged each other into new directions and yes Prompts are a blessing to the writer


  8. I smiled at the Laurell K. Hamilton quote, and then again when I finished reading your post, Glenn – I’d say it’s a case of ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. Anyway, it’s quality not quantity that counts. In my own case, after responding to almost every dVerse prompt as well as others over the past five or so years, I have a nice little collection of drafts on which to work for submission – most are rejected, and some are successful. But I don’t sweat about it anymore; I just enjoy the poetic ride. Too right, Glenn, wear that label with pride, your poetry not only soars it rocks!

  9. I believe you are correct in your belief, Glenn: your poetry certainly soars. It is a joy to read - always!

  10. Interesting and excellent.

  11. I've got a few poetry sores, too, Glenn, but I just can't give it up. Nicely done, this one. Salute.

  12. My dear Glenn, you are truly an inspiration for us all!💝 There have been countless times when I have marveled upon your poetic verses - gorgeous and evocative -and have thought to myself gosh 'this guy is a rock star!' A most heartfelt and touching prose piece!

  13. This is wonderful Glenn. A telling of your journey to where you are today. And indeed, you are a poet!
