Tuesday, August 24, 2021


image from pinterest.com 


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”.


Wisdom usually is acquired.

However, genius can be a gift, like

Your 4-year old suddenly playing Bach.

Animals also inherit traits,

Relative to their specific genetics, yet

Emotions seem wholly independent.

Wisdom, perhaps, can spring from past lives, and

Extra knowledges arrives along the way.

Have you wondered about your purpose? Yes,

Earth is a unique plane of existence.

Right, so put on your thinking caps, because

Everything fits in the vast cosmic puzzle.

Stay sharp, note every single twisT

and turn. Never fear a genuine hellO

Somehow we sense how speciaL

we are, with our bellies full of firE.

So lucky to live in our precious AmericA,

where Nazis are free, and women roaR,

where challenges await round every turN

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. Wow!!! That’s quite a final stanza. Was not expecting it.
    We’ll done. Definitely earned extra points for an Acrostic Plus!

  2. I love how your acrostic poses a question and then has an answer.

  3. A very cool example of the form. Depth, as well as width. :-)

  4. You pose a very good question! My favourite lines:

    "Stay sharp, note every single twisT
    and turn. Never fear a genuine hellO

    Somehow we sense how speciaL
    we are, with our bellies full of firE." :-)

  5. Beautifully beautifully wise, Glenn! Amazing work on the Acrostic Plus form .. the message loud, crisp and potent. I especially love; "Have you wondered about your purpose? Yes,Earth is a unique plane of existence."💝💝

  6. I like the question and the answer in your poem. That last stanza feels a bit sarcastic. Let's hope we can collectively learn to save our asses, even if we don't deserve another moment in paradise.

  7. A ponderous cosmic puzzle poem, Glenn! I like that final stanza too :)

  8. I too was not expecting those final few lines, but man, they hit hard. I like that element of surprise you put there, it can shock you for a bit as you reflect on its reality in the world. Very well written and strong, Glenn. I really do love what each letter says, your question and answer--I've been struggling with some existential thoughts and I think this might be the answer to my very own question.

    May have to re-read some of Dr. Weiss's books as well now that I think about it.

  9. Living, learning, living, loving .... a good circle to exist in I think!!!

  10. The final stanza is very powerful. A full of wisdom acrostic plus verse.

  11. Glenn -

    Hands down, this was my favorite line: "where Nazis are free, and women roaR," ... It's very unexpected and therefore powerful!

    All best

  12. I think wisdom only works if you are willing to listen... very powerful

  13. "where Nazis are free and women roar" ... Now there's meat for a spirited discussion in most circles!

  14. Strong bother! “Have you wondered about your purpose?” Only constantly…

  15. Very well done, Glenn. Questions we all think about.
