Monday, August 30, 2021

Pax Romani

image from pinterest.colm

 Pax Romani

“Wildflower, pick up your pretty little head. It will get

easier, your dreams are not dead.”

--Nikki Rowe

I grew up like a gypsy child in and around Seattle;

always in motion. We moved ten times in six years,

so I attended ten elementary schools. I was

isolated, an outsider, foot loose, anxious and

hungry for recognition, substantiation, and

attention. Always the new kid, a permanent

resident of the front row, becoming fiercely


These were urban schools, four stories, noisy,

crowded with hardwood hallways and the smells

of decades prior. Sometimes, reading about

pioneer one room schools, I would fantasize about

being in one, all the grades together in one room,

one teacher, and a pot bellied stove. Yet I do not

regret my chaotic energetic education, for it

molded me into a Type-A individual, and prepared

me for an uncertain future.

Crow on a window

sill, one room abandoned school;

in spray paint, “Love Hurts”. 

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. Schools teach so much more than the 3 R's don't they.

  2. School teaches us so much besides facts, I went to the same school for nine years but was still an outsider, and remained so until I started at University.

  3. There are so many ways to get an education--and so many different kinds of education. Your prose testifies to these truths well. Love how the haiku complements it, too!

  4. School is definitely only about academics. Learning is for life.
    Happy Monday


  5. Our school experiences could not be more diverse, Glenn. I attended the same school with the same classmates from grade 1 through grade 12!

  6. Same town, same classmates from Kindergarten through High School for me. I had to work very hard to create and maintain my "outsider" status.

    Nice work, GB

  7. Excellent piece Glenn. The prompt just triggered the current anger snd disbelief I am unable to shake.

  8. Our experiences at school do prepare us for life, either way.

  9. I really enjoyed reading a bit about your childhood, Glenn. Thank you for sharing with us!


  10. Nicely told story of being the "new kid"

  11. No matter what our education, it is preparation! Nice haibun!

  12. Good on you for getting your booster vaccination brother! Hope you are doing well… 👍🏼

  13. "I do not regret my chaotic energetic education."

  14. Unique education, and it did make for a confident person who speaks his voice.
