Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Six Barrels

image from wikipedia.com

 Six Barrels

“It occurred to me that I could invent a machine-

gun that through its rapidity of fire could enable one

man to perform as much battle duty as a hundred,

thus saving American lives.”--Richard Jordan Gatling.

Back in 1861,

Richard Gatling invented

the first functional machine gun.

It had a cyclic

six-barreled design.

It was hand-cranked,

and as the barrels rotated

they cooled and reloaded


It could fire

more than 400 .30 caliber rounds

per minute, and it never


Later, some models

had ten barrels,

used .45-70 cartridges,

and could fire 700 rounds

per minute, using

two feeder clips,

one for firing,

and one for reloading.

The gun was used by the

Union Army during the Civil War.

General Custer had access

to two Gatling guns,

and decided not to use them.

The Gun was used

by the American Army

for 45 years.

One of the most famous

victories it facilitated

was the Battle of San Juan Hill,

during the Spaniksh-American War.

Lt. John Parker commanded

a 4-gun battery

of ten-barreled Gatlings,

that could rotate at

700 rpm, and could fire

more than 800 rounds per minute.

Parker used the guns

as cover fire as the 

Rough Riders charged

up the hill. After

the hill was taken,

three guns were hauled

to the top, just in time

before a Spanish attack

to retake the hill.

600 Spanish soldiers

started up, and only 40


The Gatlings fired

18,000 rounds

in 8 minutes. 


modern troops use an

electric-motor driven

rotary cannon.

It takes a strong man

to use one.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. A Gatling gun! You're such a guy! The only time I have seen one of these was on an episode of The Wild Wild West, which probably says all that needs be said about the level of my tv viewing. :-P

  2. Very interesting Glen.
    Thanks for dropping by to read mine


  3. A fascinating trip into history with all barrels blazing, Glenn. I'm with Shay, I can remember it clearly from The Wild Wild West, make of that what you will. :>)

  4. You know things are going to get real when they pull out the Gatling gun. Amazing piece of machinery. Custer: what an idiot!

  5. So interesting! I'd never thought to look into the history of the gatling gun before!

    Thanks, Glenn.


  6. Humans keep inventing new and more efficient ways to kill. I've read some of the history of technology on guns, but I knew nothing about Gatling guns. Thanks for sharing, Glenn.

  7. I can't reconcile myself to the idea of a gun saving lives! Just an old hippy I am. Certainly an impressive and powerful invention. I wouldn't want to be in the line of fire!

  8. Thanks for the education.
    "General Custer had access to two Gatling guns, and decided not to use them" makes me wonder how he ever became a General.

  9. Both fascinating and scary... but I do remember firing a real machine gun (one-barreled) and after 100 rounds you had to shift barrel manually...

  10. Kick ass Glenn! Man, on January 6th, I wish I’d been in DC with… no, won’t go there my friend, can’t let myself — but I do understand the inspiration. Fascinating write brother!
