Monday, April 11, 2022

Masque of Spring

image from

 Masque of Spring

“I don’t know with what weapons WWIII will be

fought, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and

stones”.--Albert Einstein.

Outside my window, Spring brings sun-breaks, 

thunder storms, hail and snow--all in the same day.

Many of us choose to write about the beauty of

Spring as a respite from the war news and atrocities

in Ukraine. I understand the need to unsee the

terrible ravages of war, but make what you please of

future spring and sun-warm’d sweet tomorrow, 

nothing that light-hearted can dissuade me from

thinking about those group burials in death ditches,

where innocent bodies are shoveled in like garbage

in a landfill.

I stand for Ukraine, though I can barely stand. I write

in safety about the war crimes done in plain sight. I

applaud fellow poet Ain Starlingsson for actually

traveling there to volunteer his help. I say the entire

civilized world needs to stand united and cut the 

head off the Putin-viper.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


  1. I think our thoughts went very much in the same direction with this text... what can we do except hope... but alas I only feel hate.

  2. This is so poignant! Yes, it is very courageous of him indeed, to travel there and offer his help! I resonate with; "Many of us choose to write about the beauty of Spring as a respite from the war news and atrocities in Ukraine." Sigh. Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt!💝💝

  3. Having met poet Ain in linked responses and zoom meetings and him being in the heat of the situation. The war in the Ukraine is now closer to us.
    We are all hoping and waiting for and end to this catastrophe


  4. As poets and decent human beings, we stand with Ukraine. Your words are truth. It's hard to write about new beginnings when there are "death ditches", yet sometimes hope is all we can offer? Or is it? I struggle with that.
    Ain's poem last week was so moving that I referenced it in my prompt tomorrow, featuring a Ukrainian artist. Depending on her situation there, she will join in. That alone is unthinkable...conversing with poets OR fleeing for safety.

  5. The thoughts of Ukraine are always with me. I find war so repulsive especially when it is shown in real time every day on the news. A living Hell is the best way to describe it! Your expressions are felt by many of us!

  6. "I stand for Ukraine, though I can barely stand."

  7. Cut the head off of the viper is a capital idea. I pray one of those closest to him does the deed. Wrong is wrong and even the wrong can see it.

  8. Glenn, you have voiced what we all feel right now! Ain has become an embodiment of our aspirations. May he stay safe.

  9. Such a beautiful and valid, really valid piece of work, and shock for me personally of course. I long to write a bit more about what is happening here and think will after the poem tonight, especially as the wifi situation seems much improved. I apologise in that respect and for a few other reasons for not commenting as fully as I want to, on people's posts. Will try to give more info tonight but must absolutely leave place names to the side for a bit. Beautiful stuff Glenn mate.

  10. A powerful write, Glenn. I cannot help but think of the early days of Hitler, when the world turned a blind eye. I thought we'd learned when we recited that phrase, "Never again", but here we are. Will it take an encroachment on Poland for the world to understand the similarity and the dangers?

  11. I stand with you, with Ain with all the poets who so eloquently describe the pain, horror, the destruction of life, of cities .... I stand with Ukraine.
