Thursday, October 15, 2009

from "Vilify": Part V

From "Vilify": Part V

James Buchanan is generally regarded as
the worst president in United States
history (though I venture George W. Bush
will claim the top spot in the coming years).
Why was Buchanan so terrible? Well, according
to U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, Buchanan
"refused to challenge either the spread
of slavery or the growing bloc of states
that became the Confederacy." Yep, that
would seem like a good reason to rank him
so low. But, wait, Sherman, can you tell
us which U.S. presidents actually owned
slaves? Why, yes, my dear readers, I can:

George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant

Sherman Alexie

from his book FACE.

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