Wednesday, December 16, 2009

E Mail to Damniso Lopez #20

E Mail to Damniso Lopez #20

I have been contemplating,
the intimacy of her giving
And what is refused in the donation.
There is always in this gain a loss
And a blockage to the opening towards
The realization of the potential of temporary
Exaltation and a rapture
That bring the mirage of totality
And completeness for a moment.

As I study our relationship,
the hugs, the kisses,
I am very much concerned
With the genesis of disclosure,
And disclosure's inevitable withdrawal.
What is the remainder, what is the remnant.
The only sense of anything is its nonsense.

The true home, the place of a body's dwelling,
Its habitation ultimately slips
into being a mirage,
An abstract verbalization that resonates
Forever in our inseparable corporeality
And its function, spirituality
Because life is basically homeless and nomadic.

Damniso, I based the above discourse
On relationship
With some other woman
Than the woman
You definitely asked about.
I know you asked about Linda
And my thoughts on her house by the river,
Her BMW,
But thoughts of my relationship
With another moment leaped into my mind.
Hope you are proceeding well
With the writing of my biography.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Unlikely Stories

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