Wednesday, December 16, 2009

E Mail to Damniso Lopez #21

E Mail to Damniso Lopez #21

It seem self evident.
I believed
It self evident;
I believed ardently it was self-evident.

Therefore I was stymied, the self-evident
My progression, truncated
By axioms and aphorisms the approximations
That were my existence,

Then an epiphany, Doubt.
This divine manifestation, Doubt,
Appeared in my neural system
When at a marsh I saw a moorhen
Trying to spin a discarded
Old bicycle wheel sunk
In black shiny mud.
I felt paralyzed, numb as if stung
By a stingray.
I was in a state of aporia,
And felt euphoric,
This euphoria came from my
Now doubting everything.
Never before had I had
Such a feeling of happiness.
It was like a state of beatification.
I felt the douceur de vivre.

I felt as if I had broken out
Of the imprisonment
Of organizing my existence arboreally
And was now rhizomatic.
I no longer thought of my life
As being a fixed point trying
To find a straight line to a fixed point.
The points had disappeared,
Vanished into oblivion.
There were no points
And I sought a line that was not straight,
But one that swerved like a flying tree swallow,
Or fluttered like a butterfly over a flower,
And was invisible as the paths
Of a swallow or butterfly.
It was a line that could not be known,
Its beginning, its end could not be known.

Life was Cyrenaicism, an expansion
Of eudaemonism, but then
I thought of her with
The long, straight, white-gold, blonde hair.
She thinks that some things are self-evident,
And my joie de vivre was diminished
for a moment.

Damniso, I will try to comment
On my relationship with Jackie, the one
With the dark hair, streaked slightly grey,
The women you asked about in my next E Mail.
I am sorry
I overlooked her in this communication.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Unlikely Stories

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