Saturday, September 25, 2010

Letter To A Friend

Letter To A Friend

Dearest Melissa.

I appreciate that you consider me the "one and only" love of your life.
I know the feeling, I have felt the feeling, I have been through all that the feeling entails. I have felt the giddiness, the floating feeling of intoxication, the feeling of time suspended. And I have felt the withdrawal aches as the it wears away and is slowly absorbed into the blood stream, converted into waste products and excreted.

Your willingness to enter into a "life long" legal contract with me on the basis of this feeling is flattering but I'm afraid impractical. The idea that we were "destined to be together" is a charming concept but is unrealistic to the point of psychopathy. "Living on love" is not a talent I've ever able to make work, nor can I imagine any possible mechanism by which the philosophy might play out in a real world situation. A situation, I might add that involves major legal, moral and monetary compromise. Actually, I can imagine such scenarios and they seldom end well.

As long as I'm on the subject, I might ask you to look into a dictionary an read carefully all the meanings of the word "love", a word which you seem to like to toss around a bit too casually as far as I'm concerned.

Love might find a way, but until it does we would need food, shelter, and a sensible retirement strategy. Preparatory to this we would need a "job" or perhaps two. Please do not interpret this to mean that I am not opposed to further relationship. On the contrary with a few years of serious discussion and examination of bona fides, a contract might possibly be drawn to benefit both of us.

By the way what was that perfume you were wearing Friday? It was wonderful.

Yours, Walter.

Doug Palmer

Posted over on Feel Free To Laugh
Listed as #81 on Magpie Tales 33

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