Friday, September 24, 2010

Thespian Prime

Forty years ago at the University of Washington
I watched Adrian Sparks in a BFA professional
actor's training program play, and that very
day I began rehearsing for my own audition for
W. Duncan Ross, Arne Zaslove, and others. As these
things go, I thought Kismet was sucking my face,
for I survived the grueling audition, and was
accepted to the 4th year of the BFA program;
which by the way has survived four decades and
still is training actors at present.

In late 1977 I walked away from Acting, turned
my back on the rejection, the stress, and the
spoon-feeding of my already gargantuan ego, and
decided to "work at a real job" for the next
year. Then I spent the next 30+ years as a
Special Education teacher, working with the
blind. But as my Facebook albums attest, I
can never exorcise the glorious demons and
furies of my decade, my strutting on the
stage with pal, Adrian.

On Sparkie's FB page, as a header, he
has a quote:

"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Thornton Wilder

He, and several other old theater cronies,
have tied their souls to the stage
sticking post, kept after it, never
let it go. I applaud him, and them.
I share with you now some of the
many visages of Adrian Sparks;
whom I call Sparkie, and several
other colorful epithetical namea,
and whom I love dearly from afar.


  1. Slashmeister!!!!!!!!!
    So where are some pictures of us treading the boards together????????
    hugs to you, my lifelong friend!!

  2. OK, OK, you talked me into it. I slipped
    one on with you an I in it.

  3. "Beautiful writing and feelings on your part, and on Sparkie's part: richly deserved. Thespian Prime indeed. I'd reminisce about my own first exposure to Sparkie in a rehearsal of "Revenger's Tragedy," but his quote is, predictably, obscene."

