Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Image borrowed from Bing


She was a slut of the tart variety
and she knew it.
Long legs and voluptuous curves
she was a brunette with golden highlights.
Tantalizing touch, she made contact with
any man within her reach.
A brush of the arm, a pat on the hand,
she was coy and liked to tease.
If her hair could speak
it would whisper confessions of hunger
in the eyes of alluring suitors.
Her ambiance commanded the room
and left a sour taste in the mouths
of the other women present.
"Someone's got to squeeze that lemon",
was heard from somewhere in the room.
"Yes squeeze...squeeze it til it bleeds",
was a thought from another.
And then it happened...


Posted over on her site An Inkling of Sorts
Listed as #54 over on Magpie Tales 55

1 comment:

  1. Hi Glenn,

    My first time here, I think? Particularly liked this - I especially admire your confidence as a writer that seeps from your lines. 'If her hair could speak/it would whisper confessions of hunger' - Terrific!
    With Best Wishes Scott
