Thursday, March 3, 2011

Young Soldiers

Image borrowed from Yahoo

Young Soldiers

Last night as I walked with my driver through the Atlanta Airport, passed lines of young men who were waiting for flights for boot camp. They were beautiful young men, between boyhood and manhood. Some are joining because they are warriors, true warriors. Others because they need jobs, or there is nothing else. I pray they are not slaughtered for oil, for greed.

Last night as I walked with my driver
through the Atlanta Airport,
passed lines of young men
who were waiting for flights for boot camp.
They were beautiful young men,
between boyhood and manhood.
Some are joining because they are warriors,
true warriors. Others because they need jobs,
or there is nothing else.
I pray they are not slaughtered
for oil, for greed.

Joy Harjo

Posted over on her site Poetic Adventures in the Last World Blog
1. Joy's prose
2. Line breaks by Glenn Buttkus

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