Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Open Doors

Image by Friko

Open Doors

The Endeavour has been great,
for now the task is done;

To sit back and let others judge
is harder than the the work itself.
No critical remark will go unheard.

The expert laying down the rules
remains polite.
Certain of her superior taste and knowledge
she graciously allows a word of praise
to cross her lips.

These ladies stand and stare.
Lost in admiration?
A flash of inspiration?

The day is hot,
the Fernery promises welcome shade.
Here we can stop and study
the programme at leisure.
"Where to next?"

The path leads to the fruit cage.
Why bother to enclose the fruit
when birds have long ago
slipped through the net
and gorged themselves on juicy berries.

A small vegetable garden
bristles with sticks.
The pigeons' favourite food
are the tender green shoots of healthy lettuces.
Healthy for whom?

It's time to go.

"Thank You and Goodbye,
your garden's lovely,
you have a gorgeous spot here".

Ursula White

aka: Friko

Posted over on her site Friko's World
Listed as #49 over on Magpie Tales 71

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