Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Image borrowed from Bing


By the process of elimination
We little parasitic eggs
Move in fast flowing water,
Drift into ponds and
Welcoming wells
Quickly hatch into embryo
And move to survive
Penetrating a mollusc
A freshwater snail
Enclosed in its shell.

By a series of transformation
We leave our host mollusc
As contaminating larvae
(Or cercariae if you please)
Spread through surrounding water
And penetrate the skin
Of bathers and swimmers
Clothes washers, pissers and shiters –
Usually select children –
One prick and we're in!

We move up your veins,
Into your heart then your lungs
Transform into worm like adults
Climb into your trachea
(Now here's the insult!)
You swallow us and we set up home
In your small intestine or duodenum
Mate for life with our soul mate
Producing millions of eggs
That by the process of elimination
Move into fast flowing water…

That is, except the eggs
That penetrates your gut wall
And transported by blood
Cause trouble in your liver,
Spleen and lung or
Genitor-urinary apparatus.

Anna :o]

Posted over on her site HyperCRYPTical
Listed as #47 over on Magpie Tales 71

1 comment:

  1. please admin help me share this to those who still suffering of this disease. As a sign of gratitude for how my wife was saved from Schistosomiasis, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
    My wife suffered Schistosomiasis in the year 2013 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, she always complain of abdominal pain and swelling , and she always have skin itching. we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure her. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to Schistosomiasis . I never imagined Schistosomiasis . has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my wife will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my wife used it and in one months time he was fully okay even up till this moment she is so full of life.Schistosomiasis . has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on drwilliams098765@gmail.com on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my story
