Sunday, September 11, 2011

Love Hurts: Scene Three

image borrowed from bing

Love Hurts: Scene Three

Cinemagenic Three


1(sound cue) tenor saxophone riffing, first low then high
2(medium shot) dust cloud approaching
3(inserted overlap sound cue) crow cawing,
followed by wings flapping.
4(tight shot) headlights appear from the center of the dust cloud.
5vehicle takes a form; 1968 chev SS impala; blood red.
6(sound cue) piano and sax duet.
7(POV medium shot) dashboard of impala; woman and stranded
yellow vehicle visible in near distance.
8(medium close up) dash clutter; candy wrappers, styrofoam cups,
crumpled fast food napkins, butted out cigarettes, a roach clip,
a plastic hula dancer bobbling alongside a plastic Jesus; a pair
of black lace panties draped over the shoulder of the pale white savior.
9(sound cue) banjo strumming.
10(following dialogue as voice over for the previous dash shots)
11passenger VO: look at the tits on that bitch; let’s pull over.
12driverVO: “mumbling” christ, we don’t need this.
13(medium shot) red impala does not slow down.
14(sound cue) twin glass pack rumble.
15passenger VO: Come on, man, ain’t you gonna fucking stop?
16(wide shot) red impala continues straight ahead
17(close up) rear of SS, chrome tail pipe ends, dust rolling up.
18passenger VO: stop this fucking ride, asshole!
19(sound cue) staccato drum beat.
20driver VO: (shouting over the previous line) goddamn it, OK!
21(medium shot) over woman’s shoulder with impala barreling
down on her.
22(tight medium shot) woman stepping back against her car
door, protecting the child with her body.
23(overhead chopper shot) when the impala is almost up to
the stranded vehicle, driver slams on the brakes, putting the car
into a controlled skid.
24(tight close up) woman’s terrified face.
25(sound cue) heavy metal guitar solo.
26(medium close up) impala grill skidding toward camera lens.
27(crane shot) cool impala sliding sideways, curling up white dust.
28(medium insert shot) pair of jack rabbits scampering in opposite
29(tight medium shot) rattlesnake slithering off.
30(sound cue) metal squealing brake pads over a clarinet blast.
31(medium crane shot) both vehicles in frame
with impala jerking to a stop, diagonally
in front of woman’s car.
32(tight medium shot) rear of impala as dust settles.
33(close up) broken tail light passenger side.
34(close up) missing rear license plate.
35passenger VO: never pass up on pussy!
36driver VO: just chill the fuck out.
37passenger VO: fuck, she’s got a kid!
38(two shot) mother and child.
39(close up) woman’s eyes.
40woman: stay in the car, heather.
41(sound cue) old time fiddling with harmonica huffing.
42. (tight medium shot) translucent white scorpion
on a flat rock, tail erect.

Glenn Buttkus

Listed as #22 over on Magpie Tales 82

Would you like to hear the author read this poem to you?


  1. I'm now picking up the tension of a Tarantino-esque scene here, charged and gripping -- Quentin would approve Glenn...


  2. Now, that makes for an interesting form.
    Love the sound cues. Nice play between the imagined musical sounds and the subvocal (I don't read aloud).

  3. damn dude...loving all the little textures and not-so-random shots that are making for very visual storytelling and tension...loving it man...

  4. Dear Glenn: Very visually stimulating mentally in a photographic-abstract way; love your props.

  5. Just remind me to never break down on a rural road in the US. This scene is legend but is it real?
    But who cares, the scene is very real as you tell it!

  6. I love any write about dashboard icons...lots of tension building're hooking us in, Glenn...

  7. Cinematic Three Abridged: haiku

    1 Hiway dicks spot chick
    2. Rode trip T-bones 'cross hiway
    3. Scorpion spews spunk

    1Impala tenors rumbles
    2Hula moma steps up fires burn.
    3Got erector set?


  8. the way you incorporate sounds to set the mood in these pieces...and the random imagery as well...

  9. Very interesting presentation... I love it!

  10. I too feel a whole Tarantino vibe...but I'm thinking you may have had that vibe down before him...funny how we seek to relate to the familiar...huge fan. Love the nuances of the scene..insidious little triggers that fire off images before you even realize it...every sense engaged, nerves ready to fire...fantastic...and my redundancy of gushing in my comments is all the fault of your pen! ;)

  11. This is fabulous - unless you are the stranded Mom and kid ...
