Saturday, February 18, 2012

In the End

Image by Renna Walkling

In the End

A touch---

Feel the BASS in your chest
air thick with each breathe
ash, & ash, & ash
Feel the BASS in yoUR CHEST
ground liquefies beneath
earth sky earth sky
lines blur between
falling into each other
FEel the BASS in yoUR CHEST
the gods have returned
the gods are here
the gods are insane
the gods
oh my god
bodies, mouths wide
screaming loud but unheard
100, 1000 lions roar apocalypse

fire, fiRE, oil & fIrE

where are the children? where
am i? damp, sweat, piss, blood
god, i, ash & ash
fade to grey, then black,
fingertips on a shoe
a sandal, a..a table leg,

orange-red, a light, bright, blink,
black, heat, blink

black, breathe, can't,
black, breathe,
black, can't

finger hovering over the stone that once was
--was a body, sitting now between stalls, fresh
fruit in the market, it's curled, seeking safety

---and at a touch
i cross time, there, the moment where
hearts stopped--her heart's stopped---
first thoughts in the face of---

of--but then, a woman, her child
on a day of celebration, they are smiling,
laughing, she sees
her husband, smiles, crossing
the stones when---

the BASS begins, (this is the end) feel it
in your CHEST (this is the end)
this is the end---

and you never
never saw it coming, even through
you have felt the tremors for weeks, months
years, and swore, it

to you---

Brian Miller

Posted over at his site Way Station One

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