Thursday, March 24, 2016

Rains of Rancor

image from

Rains of Rancor

“If you re not already dead, learn to forgive--rancor
is unbearably heavy; die light.”--John Paul Sartre.

The calendar tells me it’s Spring,
so I suppose it has to be;
flowers blossom, which does please me--

but in my yard, sun’s not shining;
just lots of rain, weather’s disdain--
making me want to be flying

to Tropics; with my bones warming
the calendar tells me it’s Spring.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub MTB


  1. Love, love, love this! It's pouring outside my window and just yesterday I wore my down coat. I suppose I should be thankful it's not snowing here like in Minnesota, but I also commented yesterday that I'm ready for summer already.

    Also, I love your opening quote. Forgiveness is quite important. Peace, Linda

  2. Come on down, Glenn. 86 degrees, flowers blooming, birds singing and maybe you will even be able to take in an earthquake!

  3. You and I were thinking very similar thoughts as we wrote our pieces. My opening line was "I think I heard that Spring is here"

  4. That's a great internal rhyme: just lots of rain, weather’s disdain--
    At the moment we have very little sun and it is chilly. Hoping for a change soon.

  5. Be glad you're not in Texas though - it's changing every 30 minutes. Last night we had rain and hail, right now the wind is blowing 40 miles and hour, it's 70 degrees and the sun is shining while blossoms are raining down on every lawn. It's craziness.

    Your octain is great. Were you around when Luke introduced it? I don't remember - but it was in the OneStop days. These are mildly challenging especially to get them just right; yet, I enjoy writing them. I'm glad Victoria re-introduced them. This was really great. I enjoyed it!

  6. Now we are having some icy snow,...brrr and I thought spring was definitely here ~

    Love your title, quote and poem Glenn ~

    Happy Easter ~

  7. Gayle Walters RoseMarch 24, 2016 at 3:46 PM

    Oh that fickle spring. Our winter was more like spring...warm and rainy. We'll be blasting straight into summer any day now and we'll be complaining of the heat!

  8. Ha, the calendar tells me it is spring too....
    but we are having a sleet storm here!
    Weather's disdain indeed.

  9. Yes sometimes the weather seems to be following its own calendar at times. Nice poem.

  10. I'm sorry it's damp and dreary there, we're already hitting close to 90 here. As they say the weather is fine, wish you were somewhere nicer, (ha,ha).

  11. It's cold and wet unless one finds a spot in the sun to take it in.....between rain showers!
    You said it for many of us! I guess I am used to it, just glad March is here ;)

  12. Yup, You've hit the nail right on the head with this one: exactly how I feel today.

  13. The rain turned into 6 in. of snow here but it's melting fast! Wish rancor would melt as easily...

  14. Hang in there. Winter's way of saying goodbye.

  15. Our calendars are both liars, Glenn. Another snow/rain mix! If it's spring could wind chills be far behind?

  16. Oh the longing for Spring!

  17. Calendars are like weathermen/women. Love the poem and the quote!

  18. It seems that the calendar lies more often these days. Today was sunny and cool which is a typical Spring day in my world. I enjoyed your poem, Glenn.

  19. Glenn, your quotes always please me. This one is a doozy, and advice I truly want to take.

    I love the dissonance in your piece. I think we are all ready for a little spring.

  20. One thing i Love
    about blogging
    with Facebook
    is it always prompts
    me to see wheRe i was now..
    1 year.. 2 years.. and now..
    even.. 3 years ago.. and wITh
    me of course.. in full reality
    show iN autobiography
    as such..
    like moving
    pictures of STiLLs
    and words of mY Life..
    last April was one of wet
    and this one.. one of dry.. the only
    difference reAlly is the sand leaves
    fewer foot
    but sTiLL..
    i dance as the
    free dancer iS posTman
    who comes no matter..
    the weather.. Spring
    iS alwayS
    iN wordS
    oF stepS..
    tHe maiL
    iS always
    deliveRed iN
    SPring Of eYes
    deliGht noW..:)
