Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Twins Within

image from amazon.com

Twins Within

“We are all performing a comedy within, as
one self always mocks the other.”
--George Moore.

                            Born in the
                      middle of June, with
                 six moons in Gemini, I have
               enjoyed the moniker of earthly
            intellectual for over seven decades. 
               I never really paid much credible
                   attention to birthstones, since
                      I rarely wear any jewelry.

I discovered that both
     pearl and moonstone can 
         be representative of June, but
             the real surprise was that the most
         preferred June birthstone is a
     very rare color-changing variety
of the mineral chrysoberyl
called Alexandrite.

                             The gem is emerald green in
                        sunlight, and changes from ruby
                to purple-red in candlelight--reflecting
            the twins aspect of all Gemini. 

This is a very valuable gem, and can be quite
expensive--from 15 to 30 thousand per stone.
It was discovered in Russia, in the Ural Mountains,
in 1830, and was named after the Czar. It is now
found as well in Brazil and East Africa. Today,
the Russians, bless their greedy hearts, have
developed a synthetic form of Alexandrite for 
those of us with more modest means.

How wonderful that
Alexandrite reflects my

duality; cool.          

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub


  1. I have never heard of Alexandrite - but how cool it has duel properties... a lot to learn about gemstones... I learned recently that aquamarine is the same mineral as emerald. So there are more twins to find

  2. I find it very appropriate that you have more than one genmstone -- duality, multiplicity, and all the more shine to your personality! Cool ndeed😊

  3. I am the same - never really paid much attention to birthstones, but it's interesting that pearl and moonstone can represent June, both pale and mysterious. However, I had never heard of Alexandrite or how it changes colour. Apparently peridots change colour too. I totally agree with the haiku! :)

  4. Oh I love the sound of alexandrite...how amazing. Need to look it up....

  5. I suspect we do have multiple selves within us and maybe a few others outside.

  6. A beautiful stone and very fitting how the colours change in the light - I love the idea of 'twins within' and your haiku is really cool! ;o)

  7. How cool, I didn't think of it as reflecting duality- literally! I'm not much into jewelry either but I do love rocks and this one is something special. Love when I can learn something from a poem.

  8. This is so interesting.

    I love this part:

    "the Russians, bless their greedy hearts, have
    developed a synthetic"

  9. Love the six moons. True Lunatic ;)


  10. Well, you're a many-faceted guy, so Alexandrite is appropriate! Lillian's prompt is proving to be an educational one, is it not?

  11. Someone else wrote about the Alexandrite Birth Stone. Maybe it will help both your twins, Changing colors

  12. I smiled as I read this and I thought perhaps, your alter self resides in a parallel world. Duality under the sun and moon, may make the heart swoon.

  13. A concise history of your birthstone in compelling verse. Nice!

  14. gemini and duality. all of the parallels!

  15. I love how the colors show up in the ring example above! You are suited to the Gemini sign as you are many faceted. It is revealed in your versatility as a writer. Sorry to not be around for OLN,for I am behind in your Blackthorn series.

  16. Interesting factoids you have added to this. My family was insatiably curious about everything and learned everything they could about any and everything. My nick-name in the family was Britannica because when I was seven, I read our collection of Encyclopedia Britannica from A-Z and retained most of it. I don't wear much jewelry myself but I am interested in the making of it, the stones involved - all of it. I have an Alexandrite pendant inherited from my Grandmother. I love the example you gave for this spectacular gem.

  17. Never heard of this stone. It is magical. Thank you for the story behind it.
