Monday, October 9, 2017

Hold On, Pain Ends

wall art by Banksy

Hold On, Pain Ends

“Hope is patience with the lamp lit.”

Does hope die
confronting adversity,
                   poor health,
                   overwhelming odds,
                   madness, chaos,
                   or evil?

                   Of course not.
               It is renewed
           with each sunrise,
                  every breath,
                  every heartbeat,
                  every smile,
                  every hug.

Hope conquers despair,
just as Spring dispatches Winter;

you can count on it.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub Q44


  1. I love this, and so true. Hope is to constantly see beyond today.

  2. I look forward to that Glenn, with my eyes on the upcoming sunset or sunrise ~

  3. Well spoken Glenn. Change is gonna come.

  4. Apart from love, hope is the next most magical gift- impervious to death.

  5. This is lovely Glenn. Indeed, hope is constantly renewing itself. This puts me in mind of the Bible verses from Lamentations: 22The LORD'S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. 23They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 24"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him."… Yes, we can count on hope!

  6. I don't think hope dies. I think it takes naps.

  7. Hope is almost synonymous with faith—you either have it or you don't. I'm glad you do.

  8. Nice one, Glenn! Cool quote too. very comforting that hope doesn't die. I think it's something we pass on to those left behind. I love the lines:

    'It is renewed
    with each sunrise,
    every breath,
    every heartbeat,
    every smile,
    every hug.'


  9. What a beautifully positive write, Glenn. Uplifting and filled with the wellspring of hope.

  10. I absolutely, love this poem of hope. Hope lives as long as we breathe.

  11. You are another of Hope's witnesses! My money quote:

    "It is renewed
               with each sunrise,
                      every breath,
                      every heartbeat,
                      every smile,
                      every hug."

  12. Hope overcomes grief as day overcomes the night. Very inspiring Glenn

  13. Such "hope" in this piece when there is so much despair going around. Well done.

  14. So true. Hope can be brought to life through our own hearts (and actions). Nature is a great mentor of hope.


  15. Good thing that contemporary iconoclasm has not reached the Early Christian Church Fathers, or Tertullian (your quote), for his misogyny etc, would be banned too. His hope was only for his kind.

    Upbeat poem, though. True, like the sunrise and Spring, even when hard times rule, hope can still return, even only with simple gestures.

  16. LOVE IT, Glenn...this is HOPE-full!

  17. LOVE it all, Glenn....and most especially those last three lines! :) Late to the grandkids just left this morning after a three day stay with us. Their youthful energy keeps me young :) and hopeful too! :)

  18. I thought this was beautiful and I think it went well with the Banksy. I liked that you asked the question- Does hope die
    confronting adversity,..

  19. I like the last line!

  20. "Hope conquers despair,
    just as Spring dispatches Winter."

    So glad renewed hope can be counted on. Love the hopefulness of this poem. Despair is a liar when it says hope is dead.

  21. I love this. Hope is constantly renewed. We couldnt live without it.
