Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pachyderms on Parade

painting by Samuel Adler Heydenn

Pachyderms on Parade

“I just shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he
got in my pajamas I’ll never know.”
--Groucho Marx.

Climate change is the elephant squatting
in the yard, tearing up important grass,
making mud, sucking up ponds, then spraying
trunk rain, eating hedges, showing its ass--
impervious; as all those who are crass
say global warming is just a bad joke,

but they are giving hornet’s nests a poke.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub MTB


  1. had me at the hilarious Groucho Marx quotation. I actually laughed out of those raucous ones! :) And then...the beginning of your post....climate change is that elephant sitting in the room. You are one crazy guy, Glenn, and I LOVE to read your posts! Thanks for the smiles today :)

  2. The elephant dancing in the glass-house, but if you close it hard enough you won't notice until you are buried in dung. Deniers

  3. When those hornets start coming out--and hopefully it is not too late by then--things might change.

  4. I love that killer quotation, Glenn - keep them coming, please! I also love elephants and the way they trumpety-trump - but not the Trump who doesn't believe in climate change - he is a joke - a bad one.

  5. How elephants must hate being associated with a certain president.

  6. Speaking of metaphors--I believe elephants are already associated with the Republican Party.

  7. Clever use of a powerful metaphor. Still too many who say 'what elephant' though?

  8. An important message hidden in this funny rhyme. I love it!

  9. Brilliant love it...the elephant in the yard,

  10. Great use of humor to make a serious point! And I liked how you separated out that last line from the rest to make the reader pause there. Nicely done!

  11. You also had me at the Groucho quote! :-) It can't be reiterated enough, global warming is indeed the elephant in the room. Too many of them for any one person to dismiss even one..scary it is! I

  12. Ouch! And the hornets sting everyone!

  13. Ah, satire! A well-followed series of wordplay from that masterful Groucho Marx quote!
