Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blackthorne--Episode 92

image from


Cinemagenic Ninety-Two


“The present is the ever moving shadow that
divides yesterday from tomorrow; in that lies
hope.”--Frank Lloyd Wright.

1(sound cue) guitar and cello.
2(medium wide shot) Buck at the top of the stairs.
his back to the camera...and there she was, his
mother, tall and blond, wisps of flaxen hair hanging
down from her pulled back bun, a red scarf tied into
her long tresses nearly covering her starched lace
collar, her hands on her hips, facing the boy:
What is your father going to say?
3(cut to a reverse shot) the mother and son, with 
Buck standing at the top of the stairs.
4(sound cue) violins.
5(two shot) over the Mother’s shoulder, young Rod:
He might whip me, or he might just tell me not to do it
again, or he might just laugh.
6(close-up) Mother: Which would help you to
remember better?
7(two-shot) Rod, over Mother’s shoulder:
I’d love it if it tickled him, but I think he would just
yell at me. He probably wouldn’t whip me unless
you told him too.
Mother, suddenly laughing: Clever boy--what do you
think we should do about this?
Rod: I’ll clean it up, and then we won’t have to tell
him at all. 
8(sound cue) sweet piano.
9(cut to wide shot) the boy rushes toward the 
kitchen. His mother reached down and scooped up his
shapeless hat. She hung it on an elk horn rack on the
wall. She turned and looked up at Buck. She smiled, 
and her face was beautiful--before disappearing into
the kitchen.
10(voice over) Roddy! Roddy!
11(medium wide shot) Buck walked over to his old 
room, and opened the door, His little brother, Jack,
at 5 years old, stood by the bed. He was holding
a flint arrowhead that Buck had found on the hill
behind the barn.
Jack: Can I have it--please can I have it?,
his curly blond locks as long as a girl’s, his face
flushed with excitement, the stone arrowhead
encased in his chubby dimpled fingers. Buck
nodded, and little Jack squealed with glee as he
rushed out of the room; a moment later his own
door slammed. Buck scanned the small room.
The single bed would not accommodate him any 
more. A battered desk, with a spindly chair were
in front of a boarded up window.
12(voice-over) Spike! Spike!
Buck ran back out into the hallway. He found
Bear Woman holding a crying Jack, as his
father, Bill Buck held her roughly by the
Bear Woman: Let go of me, Mr. Buck!
His father spun around. His face was flushed
with whiskey. He hadn’t shaved in a week. His
jaundiced eyes were streaked with blood.
Bill Buck: speaking to Rod, She’s a woman, boy!
When you grow up, you’ll find out that a man
needs a woman!
Bear Woman: Go to town--there’s plenty of whores
for you to choose from! 
Bill Buck, turning back to her: I pay you plenty, savvy?
You should give me what I need!
Bear Woman: You are drunk--do not make such a
fool out of your self in front of your sons.
Bill Buck: Fuck my sons! He took Jack from her, and
stood him upright. Jack scampered over to Rod, his
eyes wide with confusion. He had stopped crying.
He took Rod’s hand, and they both watched their
father dragging a still resistant Bear Woman into
Jack’s bedroom, slamming the door.
12(sound cue) saxophone & guitar, as the boys
stood together listening to the fury of the woman
finally give in to the strength of the man; her
gasping and him grunting. 
13(sound cue) each stair creaking as Buck
descended. At the bottom of the stairs, the old
house was once again empty.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub OLN


  1. Oh.. this gave a dark surprise to us all... maybe Buck has a half brother in the Eagle... maybe there are more secrets to tell.

  2. The step back into the past is very revealing, Glenn, and, in the scenes with Buck’s mother and brothers, very poignant. The use of guitar and strings makes it even more emotional. I'm looking forward to more revelations!

  3. Wow, Bjorn--I wish all those years ago that I had thought of that connection--Johnny as a half brother. It would have enriched the entire plot; but alas, the Eagle is more blood brother than actual kin. Little Jack, in the beginning of the story had died at a young age, and Buck's mother had died giving birth to Jack. By the time Buck returns, the whole family had died--father, mother, and little brother..

  4. Well described event in Buck's childhood.

  5. My goodness there is so much emotion in this one, I can picture Buck reliving his memories, his dark past and feel the tightness forming in his chest (no doubt anger and tears) at the atrocities of his father. Perhaps he has an underlying fear of becoming like him in the future.. maybe he battles inner demons .. maybe he's stronger.. the glimpse of his bond with his younger brother is endearing .. which leaves me thinking how much loss must have changed Buck and his perspective about life. I am looking forward to learning what happens next! An evocative read!❤️

    PS: Thank you for your kind and lovely comment on my poem!❤️

  6. The life shattering events that form one as they reassemble the pieces. Very intimate memories these things. They become companions we don't even acknowledge most of the time, until a "right" moment presents itself.

  7. Wow--I was not expecting this rape scene. And remembering how his father behaved. It must have had an effect on him, and on his relationships with women. Powerful.

  8. As, I was reading about the flint arrowheads, I thought of my own collection of arrowheads. My mother had found some of my great grandfathers collection and I now have them. I often wonder where he found them, perhaps on the reservation or elsewhere.

    I was surprised as the turn of events in memory lane. I thought Bjorn comment was interesting and certainly would have added a new layer of conflict.

    You always seem to be able to set the scene so well, that the reader is drawn in right away.

    I think memories come in flashes at unexpected times and create unsettling moments in the now.

  9. wha-! that turn caught us off guard! really good job!

  10. The scene evolves in an ominous way, as a woman is so often vulnerable in the presence of a drunk. My mind always rushes to the minds of the children, which you capture well in their innocent and scarred for life.

  11. Yo Glenn - the plot turns and twists and grows dark in reflection. That was a little surprise nugget! I have said it before, but I do enjoy this series. Gonna remain waitin’ for the movin’ pitcher show...! ;-)

  12. Powerful theme, words and moments.
