Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Black Hamlet

image from stratfordstage.co.uk

Black Hamlet

“The process of delving into the black abyss, for 
me, is fascinating.”--H.P. Lovecraft.

the great cosmic black maw,
there exists
an onerous overwhelming darkness,
stretching to forever.
One has to search
for any trace of light.

But residing near a star,
light is always intense,
so much so
that prolonged exposure
leads to burning of the skin.
The sunnier the Clime,
the darker the aboriginal
becomes, creating
the black races.

I have always thought it odd
that the less attractive
pale white-skinned races
consider themselves superior,
which is an ethnic absurdity.

From a metaphysical standpoint,
in the geno-lottery,
any of us could have been
born black.

In America
we would have progressed
from being colored
to definitely being black--
even after the wondrous 
several decades of mixed coupling,
the divers shades of brown
all count as black.

In Spanish we are negro.
In French it’s noire.
In German it’s schwarz.
In Italian it’s nero.
In Swedish it’s farg.
In Russian it’s svet.
and in Greek it’s mavro.

It’s all Black,
regardless of the language.
Admittedly, we are still on a journey
to wash the shame out to the word,
and paint over it with pride.
I believe that one fine day
we will reach that objective 
on a global scale.

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub


  1. This is strong Glenn, and I love how you dug into the essence of the absurdity of ethnic “visual programming”.

  2. I believe the same, Glenn, and there's nothing that will stop it. We live in an age of instant global two-way communication. What is also programmed into our genes (at least in the US) is rule by "us" vs. "them" mentality, which means if color (or gender or financial status) aren't used, what will be the next fabricated dichotomy?

  3. A few years ago, I called a Negro, black. She jumped all over me. I have since learned to call negroes, negroes. It isn't an us vs. them mentality, it is a source of cultural identity. African-American is also preferred.

  4. And the irony of it all is that people with pale skin work so hard to turn their skin brown. But our soles are all pink as are the palms of our hands. Good, strong writing. Thanks.

  5. I think that pride is there and it is flourishing. The understanding has been skewed for centuries and especially with colonialism and imperialism, many truths were masked or hidden away. They are coming to light and that is quite significant.
    I really enjoyed this reflection, Glenn! Your words are wise and sincere. :-)

  6. "the great cosmic black maw" is fitting for the gulf created between races, as if skin color is any measure of superiority.
    Well done, Glenn.

  7. So true... I have always wondered about the color (bad or good) ... still the blood is always red.

    Psst.... black in Swedish is svart. Färg means color...

  8. Nice description of the dark: "an onerous overwhelming darkness,
    stretching to forever."


  9. An evocative perspective of an age old divisiveness. Good write, Glenn.

  10. Daring territory, with an evocative treatment. Well-done!

  11. So so late to the reading - and I do apologize for that. But so very glad I read your post to this prompt, Glenn.
    I so agree with the absurdity that anyone can believe the whiter skin can be the superior - by any standard the whiter shows the mottles, the blemishes....the darker skin seems smoother, more satin like. Looking at that thing artists call a color wheel, there is a fullness in the color black - the presence of all. And there is an emptiness and lacking in white -- the absence of all. That to me is the most telling. Would that we somehow purge ourselves of judging by any cover and rather looking in to each other. A wonderful write here, Glenn. A write from the heart...an introspection. Glad you wrote this one, Glenn.
