Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jokhang Blessings

Jokhang Blessings

for Khyongla Rato Rinpoche

Outside the Jokhang in Lhasa,
a monk tucks his cat in a robe fold

and walks in the temple unnoticed.
The keeper dozes at the entrance.

Inside the doorway to bow in respect
to the Buddha's body, speech, and mind,

butter lamps illuminate saffron water bowls
where myriad reflections of the Buddha,

Jowo Rinpoche, sits undisturbed.
Flanked by rows of offerings, the Tulku*

approaches the gold statue- sculpted
legs fold in a diamond posture, exposed.

Retrieving his friend hidden in his chest,
the robed one lets his charge free.

The cat stares at Jowo Rinpoche, head tipped,
ears perched forward, tail up. Lifting his cat

upon the the left knee and the right knee
of the Buddha, the Lama prays:

May this animal have a better life next time,
with a mind that helps and doesn't harm others.

Blessings seep into kitty toes, light shines
upon the crown of kitty head. The two depart,

into daylight, followed and surrounded
by pilgrims, some with odd bulges

against their chests. Perhaps the doorman sleeps
so that many beings can receive blessings.

*reincarnated lama

Annie Bien

Posted over on Adroitly Placed Word

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