Monday, August 10, 2009

Cheap Cig's

Cheap Cig's!

What was I to it?
Had it less spunk,
done a song and dance
or even whistled
I would have kept it.
I took it for a drive
and chucked it.
I mean my self respect.
Now, it's hopelessly
addicted. Panhandling
for cig's and change
on Commercial Blvd.

2005 Scott Malby

Posted over on A Little Poetry

1 comment:

Mariana Soffer said...

Beautifull picture and poem man, really stylish.
I bet you started smoking to have more charm, to have that look that make girls run and cry for you. But then is like every single addition, your teeth start to rotten, you do not smell good, and the girls do not find it that atractive anymore.
That is the way of light adictions, luckly I did not had to relate the hard ones.