Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Coalfields at Green Acres

The Coalfields At Green Acres

I’ve lived my life with those who build
and those who break.
Two kinds of people. Two songs sung.
Among the damned who hoard
their cherished hurt,
life is a bracken river
that drags its victims in panic
down into the hollow of their pain
where stagnant water reflects the cancer
of their anger as they repeat
the same ugly mistakes over
and over again. I’ve lived
with giving folk offering up their
meagre provisions as they scramble for
what little riches life provides.
In the abundant soil of their hope
no rain lasting
but through persistence overcome.
And I ask you:
Who is the most deceived?
They who build or break?

Scott Malby

Posted over on Hawkwind Creations

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