Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oblivion Wind

deviant art by budgie


Of course,
many of us were related
in the 16th Century,
just about the time
human sensibility
began to expand
That is to say,
our same oblivion
familial differences
And I bet
fresh bread
was as delicious
during the Renaissance
as it might’ve been
50 thousand years prior!
But have we come so far
after all…
bulldozing the Amazon,
littering the moon,
inventing HMO’s,
creating a junk culture
beyond our wildest dreams?
Most mornings,
despite Claire de Lune
trickling the dusty vents
of my alarm clock,
I still hear
the oblivion wind
above my coffee-maker.

- Alan Britt

Posted over on Wilderness House Literary Review

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