Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Section 60

Section 60.

Section 60 of Arlington Cemetery
in Washington,
which are buried most of the fallen
in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The gravestones rose as nails
from the frozen land
trying to pierce the clouds
in a final attempt to escape

The slow shade of the trees
drown the sound of tears,
sometimes the wind brings the dreadful
thunder of war,
There are moments in the day
that the secrecy of the leaves
break the white cadence
of the horizon scattering
among the names that are entangled
in newly planted grass.

Piece of land where the pain
woven a subtle fabric of sadness
where the moments of smiles
are light escaping between the wings
of birds,
there are no songs of praise
only we see withered cheeks
by inconsequential sadness.

The rows are clean, intact,
white waiting for the order
to navigate the fathomless sea
of spirits seeking a reason
for the future of their souls.

Leonardo Ibanez

Posted over on Poets Against the War

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