Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dickless Tracy

Dickless Tracy

I would not stop for the stop sign -
Tho it kindly stopped for me -
The motorcycle cop gave -
Some advice to me for free -

Do not do that again she said -
In a stern and serious voice -
Because it is a law young man -
It is not a choice -

So I saluted and capitulated -
And promised never again -
While, in my head, the words ran free -
Fat chance, cutie pie -
Fat chance.

Actually, what she said was
"try stopping next time"
and I waved and said "OK, I will.
You never know, there might even be
some traffic there next time.

Doug Palmer

Posted over on Feel Free To Laugh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that last stanza is not part of the Emily Dickinson satire. The thing ends with "Fat chance".
Just thought you'd like to know.

...Emily Dicktracy