Wednesday, August 12, 2009

E. Judas Wagtail's Party

E. Judas Wagtail’s Party

They bring a table in. Bread and wine
come next. Thirteen chairs are filled.

Virtuous men pass by. They frown,
I sneer back, plotting my revenge.

Wagtail, they say, give up the booze.
Hell! I love to drink, to rock and roll

and if I hurt others I can’t help myself.
You do too but won’t admit it.

Why be shocked? The word is out.
Haven’t you heard? A dog is roaring.

Howling at your gate. A razor tongued,
son of a bitch, out to get you good!

My eyes spit fire as my throat curls
into an ash can cacophony of spite

but the kiss I give is all tenderness,
understanding more than I know.

Scott Malby

Posted over on A Little Poetry

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