Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chinese Proverbs


If the ground under your feet is wet,
the sky is to blame.
before you buy shoes,
make sure you measure your feet
if you doubt what you hear,
you can’t believe what you see
it’s as difficult to recover the past
as to pick up spilled water
every needle has a point
if there’s a car ahead of you in a fog,
you can follow its lights, but not too closely
no matter how tall you are,
your legs still touch the ground
if you’re always in a hurry,
you’ll never arrive on time
a person who walks in a straight line
and a person who walks in a curved line
will never arrive at the same place
you can tell it on the mountain,
but whisper it in the valley
if the morning is sunny,
the evening can still bring clouds
a festival for some people
is a traffic problem for others
time is a hallway we never get out of,
except at the end
a question may be an answer to a question
as an answer maybe a question to an answer
a system of values may be nothing more
than an accountant’s dream
it’s hard to be a bystander in a storm
the country is where the food is,
but the city is where the money is
the fool will not believe you
because your story is too complicated,
the educated man will not believe you
because your story is too simple
there is no fact as unlikely as a giraffe
when you’re caught in the rain
you’ll remember you forgot your umbrella
don’t climb a tree to look for fish
when you’re climbing a mountain don’t step back
if you’re holding a tool in your hand,
it’s also holding you by the hand
you can’t use paint to cover a hole in the wall
there are two sides to every wall
if you don’t drink,
the price of wine doesn’t matter
if you stand on a mountain top
nothing is likely to fall on your head
if you go underground
you may not have enough light
until you get in the water
you don’t know what it’s like to swim

David Antin

Posted over on Poems & Poetics

September, 2009

[David Antin’s most recent book of talk-poems, i never knew what time it was, was published by the University of California Press & is still easily available. Other pieces by Antin on the present site were posted on June 19, 2008 and on May 28 and June 17, 2009. Radical Coherency, his major collection of essays, will be published by the University of Chicago Press in 2010.]

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