Thursday, November 19, 2009

from "The Real American Education"

Duane Locke

from "The Real American Education"

The real ideal of real American education
is to assembly-line produce high salaried
slave mentalities to make profits
for billionaires.

This prevalent ideal, like all practical,
utilitarian, and instrumental attitudes,
limits, restricts, reduces, and destroys
the most valuable parts of perceptive potential,
and thus robotizes the human being
and truncates his or her humanity.

It might be said that our educational system
is mutilating people into humanistic blindness,
for with its practical, utilitarian,
instrumental aims that diminishes the aesthetic,
emotive, sensuous, and intellectual possibilities.

This ideal did not remain
an ivory towerist’s day dream, but became
the actuality underlying the experiential
functioning of American education.
Its efficacy has produced a population
of slave mentalities, I-they’s,
inauthentic human beings.

The success of this ideal has been astounding.
So we have a nation of supposedly educated
citizens who have volunteered to be slave
mentalities, intellectual-aesthetic weaklings
and iPod puppets.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Clockwise Cat

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