Thursday, November 19, 2009

Short Love Sonnets #5

Short Love Sonnets


I thought when I was with her at a
simulated Italian ristorante that I heard
inside my ribs my heart beating loudly.
But when I listened carefully,
I sensed it was vandals
inside my body throwing stones to hit my ribs.
She asked, what was the noise inside me.
Japanese drummers?
I lied, told her it was a church choir
singing hymns.
She inquired, her hand touched my hand,
what hymn ?
“Old rugged cross,” I shyly confessed,
She bent across table, kissed me.
The shocked, vandals absconed, they
Went away to burn barns. She went with them,
striking matches.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Metazen

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