Painting by Rick Mobbs
Reading Rick Mobbs is like finding a treasure trove of pirate plunder--one never knows what bauble or golden calf or ruby or pearl will be uncovered next. [And he ain't a bad painter neither said the gnome, the vagrant, and me]
And I In My Heaven
And I in my heaven
you in your hearse
rainbows between us
and mountains of earth.
The faces of children
and none of them,
not even one of them cursed.
Hearts that had danced
while the playing sticks knocked
and the rivers that splashed
pin the tail, pin the tail,
rocked on in the dark.
The great foolish male
who lived in his shoes
crushed smell of the jungle
crushed taste like the blues
shorn of sweetness.
The howl of the Amazon
chatter at the heart
pride in aloneness
safe in the art
of wishing.
afraid of the dark.
The hearse traveled nowhere
the heaven contained.
And iron wheels roll
in the rain, in the rain.
Rick Mobbs January 2008
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