Friday, July 11, 2008

Paradisacal Paradox

Paradisacal Paradox

We’re off tomorrow
on an adventure
in the northern part
of the Salish Sea,
to another collection
of floating rocks
known as British Columbia’s
Discovery Islands.
Quadra Island,
is our destination.

get yer score cards out:
from San Juan Island,
we’ll need to take a ferry jaunt
at dawn
in the wrong direction,
to the east–
to Fidalago Island–
to catch a ferry
going in the right direction–
to Vancouver Island–
in order to hop
on yet a third ferry
to Quadra,
to the north,
after driving
up the eastern coast of Vancouver Island
for about four hours,
the first half hour of which
requires driving…
in order to go…

On our return
in a few days,
I’ll stop off at Saltspring Island
(south of Quadra
and north of San Juan)
to see more music geek pals–
yet another ferry,
east and then west again!–
while Charles drives
and ferries south
to Island Home Base.

From Saltspring
I can make it
by foot, bus and ferry
back home on Sunday.
Catch all that?
because I barely can.
I’m dizzy
just typing it.

Above is an example
of the kind of rhythm
that separates
those of us
who are quite happy
living on a remote,
bridge-less island,
from those
who would prefer
instantaneous proximity
to all that mankind
has to offer.

Most of all,
the concept of having to use
highly circuitous routes
that take the better part
of an entire day,
in order to traverse distances
one might span in a car
on the mainland
in an hour or two,
is a tad absurd at first.
But it quickly becomes
second nature,
and only when I describe
to visiting friends
how to get here,
am I reminded
just how tricky
getting here
sometimes is.

Alex Shapiro July 2008

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