Friday, July 11, 2008

Selfish Lizard

Painting and Poetry by Rick Mobbs

selfish lizard


I can’t feel your pain,
assuage your guilt,
dissolve your fears,
kiss away,
or wipe away,
or even touch
your tears.
My selfish chameleon
perches upon a staff
(the ivory stars hum,
the universe revolves
around lizard things)
and yes,
with meaningless tokens.


Because my own fear
haunts me.
It propels me
away from kindness.
I go to the desert
and find a tatooed stick
bearing my name.
It writhes burning
red and black tiger stripes
shaped like a man.
It twists
where there is no wind.
I make my wishes simple
and plain.


Why not?
I can’t hear you crying.
They beat you
and starve you
and yet
you forgive them.
Only in my dreams
am I destitute.
Only in my dreams
am I wronged
or harmed.
You actually burn.


The world is crisscrossed
with your love.
You are the holy one.
I should be ashamed.
I try to cry
but no water comes.


Whither thou goest,
I shall go also?
Your name is older
than mine,
my name is learning.
My name is drawn
to the hole
in the sun
that drinks up the rain.
Teach me,
take my hand.

Rick Mobbs

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