Monday, February 9, 2009

Furrows of My Heart

Furrows of My Heart

By La Belle Rouge

among the smoking bundles of sage
that purify hearts, inspire thoughts
i stand before you great spirit

i lift my eyes and hands
toward your star filled heavens

i have seen the eagles again today
as in the beginning

when first you made yourself
and your purposes for this lifetime
known to my spirit woman

the eagles circled round and round
above me, heartstrings tied firmly
to their broad, unfurled wings
spirit forever one with freedom cries

hear me great spirit and prepare
the field of my heart to receive
the seeds of love once more

cleanse all within me that fears
all that draws back from life’s purpose
and all that still festers with pain

let me bathe in clear, celestial waters
of your love, and drink deeply
the herbal elixir of strength

i will see you in the white clouds
in the towering evergreens

and from the mists that lie
on the crest of the mountain
where the ancient ones chant your name

i will hear your voice in the song
of the rushing river and in the voices
of all the creatures that worship you

plow deep the furrows of my heart
oh ageless one. so the seeds of love
take root and become a mighty tree

whose blossoms infuse the earth
with the precious scent of love
and her fruit becomes food for the hungry

4/3/2007 La Belle Rouge

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